2 minute read

Creating A Strong Running Body

Bridget Burns from iMove Physio shares some drills to help you build a stronger running body.

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You’ll need a TheraBand or just a rubber band. Wrap it around your ankle and in a slight bent position, sticking your bottom out the back with knees slightly bent, just walk sideways.

The exercise aims to get your glutes firing. Warming up those muscles helps you to have a square pelvis whilst you’re running.

“I get people to Crab Walk to fatigue, which means your bum should be on fire when you finish.” See the video on our Facebook page.


Lie flat on the ground with one leg lifted.

Lift your hip up toward the roof, before controlling the movement back down.

Aim to keep the pelvis level. You should feel it in your bottom and hamstrings.

“I really like this one because it gets your core working with your glutes at the same time.”

Aim to do 3 sets of 10 reps. As they get easier, increase the reps.


It’s important to practice your stability whilst you’re in that single-leg stance.

“I like to do this one barefoot, because it works on your foot, ankle, and knee control as well.”

Hips should stay square. Pop your hands on your hips and lower down into a single leg squat. Keep your hips parallel to the ground, and make sure your knee is staying on top of the toes, and not crashing in.

When you get better you can work deeper into the squat. When that’s easy and you’ve got nice control you can do the exercise on the right.


(Add a Band Around Knees)

‘This makes your bottom work harder and challenges your stability.’ Lift up, pressing out into the band. It’s the same principle as single leg squat exercise (description left and above image) the hips stay square and keep your knee on top of your toes.

Aim for 3 sets of 8 – 10. As they get easier you can do more.

*pls note above image doesn’t include band.

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