2 minute read

Meet The Team

Well it’s that �me of the year again - the silly season is upon us and while we are aware that many of our readers have not had a brilliant 2022 with interest rate rises, cost of living problems and the ever problema�c weather, I hope that you can take a few days over Christmas to enjoy your family, hopefully have a few days rest and recrea�on and take the �me to read our magazine.

We have a story from the Central Coast of NSW with some holiday ideas including a visit to a Lllama and alpaca farm. Some nice accommoda�on and restaurants for Mum and Dad and what child wouldn’t enjoy a visit to Tree Tops Adventure Park. Keith Payne a llama breeder from New Zealand tells about his llama walk through the beau�ful Southland - lovely pictures and a great adventure.


We have ar�cles on alpaca birthing to help our newer breeders and a heart warming story from the UK about an alpaca with leg problems. Read about Max Bergmann, who is legally blind but runs a camel dairy with his wife Ronja in the hills out from Perth. Our gene�cs ar�cle is for the serious breeder of black alpacas and a refresh for those who took part in the AAA webinar with Lynn Edens.

Merry Christmas and a big thank you to the adver�sers who support our magazine, it wouldn’t be possible without you and we would love to have adverts from more of our readers to promote your products or animals.

Why not give either Julie or Esme a call to discuss how we can help you.

You will find our adver�sing rates are some of the most affordable anywhere, you can download all the pricing and details info from our website.

Esme Graham - Editor

My husband and I have bred suri alpacas for over 20 years, I was heavily involved with both regional commi�ees and the na�onal board of the Australian Alpaca Associa�on for a number of years and had the honour of being selected as a life member of the Associa�on. A breeder of ultrafine Huacaya alpacas for over 20 years at Oak Grove Alpacas, I have a passion for fine fibre and the gene�c connec�on to the most diminu�ve and finest of the camelids - the wild Vicuna.

I strongly believe that educa�on in any industry is the key to success, so with Camelid Connec�ons we hope to provide interes�ng and informa�ve ar�cles to assist all camelid owners in ge�ng the most out of their animals and businesses.

I also own Oak Grove Graphics a web and graphic design agency which is producing this magazine, and also allows me to connect with many different people in the camelid related world through my design and web work. www.oakgrovegraphics.com.au

My major interest has been in marke�ng and educa�on and to this end I was editor of Alpacas Australia magazine for six years and I hope that the experience I gained edi�ng that publica�on can be extended to educate and inform a wider range of alpaca and llama breeders who are not necessarily associa�on members but have a love of all things camelid.

Julie McClen - Designer/Editor