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On April 20th, ChangeLawyers hosted The NextGen Spring Reception in downtown Los Angeles at 777 Tower. Thank you to Klinedinst PC for hosting us! We were able to host around 70 people including our cohort of 25 3L scholars and their families and friends, representatives from co-sponsoring bar associations and ChangeLawyers staff and board members. We enjoyed delicious eats from Kitchen Mouse LA while mingling and building community. And for the highlight of the event, we invited each scholar to give short speeches about their stories of triumph and their future impact to the profession. We, along with their families and friends, are so proud of this year's cohort of 3L Scholars and we are excited to welcome them into the ChangeLawyers community.

As a reminder, ChangeLawyers and the co-sponsoring bar associations provide $5,000 scholarships to graduating law students who are preparing to sit for next month’s Bar Exam. Let’s send good luck and well wishes to this amazing group of changemakers as they sit for the bar this summer.