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Your Civic Duty

Your Civic Duty



I just got a jury duty request in the mail today. There was a time I was excited to get those. I love the idea behind a fair trial with a “jury of your peers.” My civics teacher at Nordhoff High School (RIP Warren Glaser) — one of my favorite teachers ever — made such an impression on me about my responsibilities as a citizen. I truly believe we are a result of the people getting involved and making a difference, and the old cliché “you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution” is true.

All the above to start my final foray from this agent’s perspective, of what I see happening in our industry in the legislative arena. I passed the torch on July 1 to Paul Roberts, the new CAHIP Legislative Chair.

On June 6, “the U.S. House Committee on Education & the Workforce passed H.R. 2813, the Self Insurance Protection Act (SIPA). SIPA seeks to protect access to stop-loss insurance under federal statute, ensuring the ability of small and medium-sized employers across the country to sponsor self-insured group health plans.”

This could open some opportunities in California. I don’t write self-funded group business, but I am keen to learn and hear what transpires in that part of the market — I wouldn’t be surprised to see the future of employer healthcare migrate in this direction, with alternative funding plans, level funding, Reference Based Pricing, network creation and direct primary care models.

Big news from June: the House passed the Employer Reporting Improvement Act (H.R. 3801), a bill that provides much-needed relief for employers by easing certain aspects of the reporting requirements under Section 6055 and 6056 of the ACA. This has been an issue that NABIP has been active in for several years now.

And of course, we are still awaiting final guidelines from CMS regarding the final 2024 marketing rules. There

are several important changes, including the 48-hour Scope of Appointment Rule, and enrollment checklist and added info necessary to the required disclaimer.

There are Medicare Summits happening across the state and each will have the most up to date information for you. Be sure to attend!

• Medicare on the LA LA Land Stage, Aug. 16

Senior Summit in Temecula, Aug. 22-24

Sacramento Medicare Summit, Aug. 30

Find all registration links on each chapter ’s website (find chapter website links here: cahip.com/Chapters)

Biggest news in recent legislation in our home state: (CA) SB 770 passed out of the Senate, went to the Assembly Health Committee, passed again and is now in Assembly Appropriations Committee where it will be heard by Sept. 1. This is the bill setting up yet another committee to advance California toward a unified financing health system — instructing the head of Calif. HHS to engage in conversation with the federal government about how to get waivers for all current federal Medicare and Medi-Cal dollars to be redirected to fund a single payer system in California.

While CAHIP agrees that having an adult conversation about the financing of single payer legislation is necessary, CAHIP Legislative team lobbied against the bill in May because the bill also infers that the goal is to GET to a single payer system.

Note: there is a SPOT BILL for another single payer proposal. We expect it to be filed in late December, early January. We have sent operation shouts at each passing – please click here to support the latest. (Remember that civic duty plug?)

Additionally in Calif, on June 13, the California Budget passed. (https://bit. ly/3NThDzk).

Considering the budget deficit Calif. is reporting, it is interesting that a couple of the key initiatives we have been following are getting pushed through. The expansion of full-scope MediCal coverage to all income-eligible Californians, regardless of immigration status, no later than January 1, 2024; and The approval of resources and trailer bill language for the establishment and staffing of the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA), within the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI).

CAHIP members will receive a more detailed run down on what was included in the budget and what legislation we are watching so keep your eyes peeled.

Not a member? Join at www.cahip.com to stay in the know!

Our industry will be ever-changing and we can do a better job at making access to care easier and more affordable. I am confident that, as change happens, good agents will be a necessary resource for the people. If you want to be a part of the solution, please become a member of the only organization that I have seen fighting for the health insurance agent and their clients, www.cahip.com!

Have a Happy Summer! Dawn

DAWN MCFARLAND is VP of Professional Development for CAHIP, president of M&M Benefits Solutions in LA and the Chair for Leadership & Development Committee for NABIP.




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