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MR. SPEAKER Son of Kern County becomes house leader after historic uphill attempts

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by Managing Editor Stevie Ipsen

U.S. President Calvin Coolidge had a lot to say about the vitality of persistence. He said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and will always solve the problems for the human race.”

If one were to follow the journey of now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, they might find some parallels to Coolidge’s sentiments.

McCarthy, the youngest of three children of a homemaker mother and an assistant fire chief father, comes from a common, some might say lackluster, upbringing. But for cattle producers on the West Coast and beyond, the McCarthy’s journey from a middle class Bakersfield community to one of top seats in our nation’s capitol is the kind of all-American story that makes their livelihood worthwhile.

As the grandson of a proud Kern County cattleman, all California cattle industry supporters can take pride in the belief that humble beginnings can lead to unprecedented destinations. For the children being raised in today’s beef industry and tumultuous political climate, the sky is still the limit and the ability of kids in the ranching community to make a real difference still exists. Like Coolidge noted, McCarthy’s road is a reminder that through persistence great things are possible.

Though McCarthy is an often-revered leader in the Republican Party and in the political world as a whole, it goes without saying that his journey to the Speaker’s chair was not without challenge and frequent defeat. But in the end, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a long time advocate for California’s cattle community was named Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives on a historic postmidnight 15th ballot early in the morning of Jan. 7.

“My father always told me, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,” McCarthy told cheering fellow Republicans in response to the grueling journey to the speakership and addressing the


...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 nay-sayers even from his own party who made the selection of a new majority speaker an uphill battle.

Just A Regular Guy

After graduation from Bakersfield High School, McCarthy briefly attended Bakersfield College while earning money by refurbishing automobiles and then selling them. In October 1984, at only 20, he bought a lottery ticket that made him a $5,000 winner, which McCarthy credtis with starting him on the road to entrepreneurship. Investing his winnings, which were not insignificant in 1984, in the stock market, McCarthy used the earnings to purchase Kevin O’s Deli, located in a yogurt shop in Bakersfield that was owned by his aunt and uncle.

Former CCA and NCBA President Kevin Kester, a friend of the Speaker who has known him since his freshman year in Sacramento, says McCarthy’s longtime understanding of small business operations helps him to understand the government’s overreach and how businesses can be unduly impacted.

“Kevin (McCarthy) really gets us. I can tell you from frequent interaction with him that his grasp of the needs of his constituents, specifically in agriculture, is like nothing I have seen from most politicians. They may try to understand what our needs are and why but he really does see our needs and work to make sure they are met,” Kester said. “Having him in this position at this point in time could not be more valuable, not just for CCA and NCBA members, but for all people who see a need for less government overreach to run businesses that matter to all Americans. One thing you should know about Kevin McCarthy is that when he says he will do something, you bet he will follow through.”

McCarthy’s tenacity is why Kester said he knew the speakership was one challenge McCarthy would not back down from, no matter how long it took.

“Just like that long and grueling process, once Kevin starts something, his energy doesn’t burn out,” Kester said. “He will keep that energy level in Washington and use it to work for the country and work with those he may not always agree with for the good of the country.”

In 1987, McCarthy sold his business and used the profits to return to college, earning an undergraduate business degree from California State University, Bakersfield, and a master’s degree in business administration from the same state-funded institution. McCarthy’s interest in politics had earlier been piqued by the contrast he found between what he perceived as the pessimism of Jimmy Carter and the optimism of Ronald Reagan. The year McCarthy returned to school, he also began his association with influential Republican Congressman Bill Thomas McCarthy initially acted as an intern before becoming a longtime member of the staff of Thomas, who he credits for making a huge impact on his life.

Political Ambition

Elected to the California State Assembly in ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 22


2002 and serving as Assembly Republican Leader, McCarthy quickly climbed the political ladder and was elected to represent California’s 20th District of the U.S. Congress in 2006. At that time he was also appointed Chief Deputy Whip before being elected as House Majority Whip in 2010.

During his time as a politician there have been no issues McCarthy has steered clear of. His willingness to tackle any needs of his constituents has been one reason his home base keeps selecting him as their representative.

Kern County rancher Jack Lavers has followed McCarthy’s political career from the onset. As a self-proclaimed “true conservative,” Lavers said he initially took issue with McCarthy over fiscal responsibility, going as far as to call McCarthy out on the radio. After McCarthy took the initiative to clear the air with a personal phone call, Lavers said he and McCarthy have been allies.

“Politicians get a bad rap for not really knowing the issues or their constituents but no matter how you feel about Kevin McCarthy, you cannot say he doesn’t care about the issues or lack understanding in his district,” Lavers said.Though the two haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, Lavers said he could not be happier about the results of that final 15th vote.

“I am a big advocate of betting on the horse that can win,” Lavers said. “I am very happy for the cattle industry, for the local oil industry, for Kern

County, and for our nation as a whole.”

Lavers also said for anyone still on the fence about McCarthy being a “regular politician,” they need to meet Judy McCarthy.

“Kevin’s wife is the absolute best human being. She is loving and kind and puts in just as much work as Kevin does to serve the district. If any one ever doubted him, they just need to take one look at her values to know that he must be good person to have such an angelic wife,” Lavers laughed.

In 2014, McCarthy was elected Majority Leader in the House. In 2018, he was elected House Republican Leader, which he served most recently before being elected to his current post as Speaker of the House.

McCarthy has continuously vowed to fight for a strong, fiscally responsible, and free America where every person has the ability to achieve the American dream. Through the “Commitment to America” that he spearheaded, he and his House Republican colleagues will work to cut out-ofcontrol government spending, create good-paying jobs, promote American energy independence with American jobs, and fight for individual liberty, an efficient and effective government, and a vibrant civil society.

When Kevin McCarthy is not in Washington working for the constituents of California’s 20th District and for the future of America, he is home in Bakersfield where he and Judy raised their two children, Meghan and Connor.

Lot 61

C 1311 Genesis 2135 Et

One of three full sibs from a tremendous flush. The only full sister was our record selling female in our fall sale at $195,000. Both of the brothers are definite herd bull prospects and will be in our 2023 Denver Pen of 3. They combine the show ring look with performance and additional pigment. 1311 seems to never miss and has produced 1.2 million in progeny sales thus far. 2135 has great EPD and Index values being in the top 10% in nine economically important traits.

C Cuda Belle 2111

A heifers first calf with a WWR of 118. Another bull with an impeccable set of numbers being in the top 20% for 15 economically important traits and indexes. Extra pigment and big bodied. Sire “Barracuda” was sold to ABS.

1311 Genesis 2105

One of three full sibs from a tremendous flush. The only full sister was our record selling female in our fall sale at $195,000. Both of the brothers are definite herd bull prospects and will be in our 2023 Denver Pen of Three. They combine the show ring look with performance and additional pigment. 1311 seems to never miss and has produced 1.2 million in progeny sales thus far. 2105 has great EPD and Index values being in the top 3% for 10 traits.


These horned Belle Heir sons are right for the industry as they are great in structure and muscle mass. They are also very important for the industry as they can add so much to the carcass quality with lots of growth while still maintaining top maternal traits in the cowherd.

1311 Endure 2124

A definite pen bull for Denver 2023. He is by the ever popular Endure and the 1311 donor that is a full sister to Miles McKee and has produced over 1.2 million in progeny sales. He is a big bodied bull with extra red throughout. In the top 5% for 11 economically important EPD’s and Indexes.

LOT 161

C 4297 Validated 2132 Et

If you need to increase carcass value in your feeder calves tie to these Validated sons. They are especially strong for marbling. Extremely dark red, red to the ground with great pigment with a long level hip and wide topped.

C Tahoe 2015

Great built son of Tahoe that packs all the bells and whistles along when it comes top carcass values. His added length of body and stride is a bonus for ranchers who need a bull that can travel big country.

One of three full brothers by Real Deal and the popular D83 donor dam. They all have a super set of balanced EPD’s and have excellent pigment. Two full sisters were a highlight in our fall sale averaging $13,250. This bull was named calf champion in Reno and will be shown in Oklahoma City and Denver.

C 8007 Alternative 2149 Et

One of two flush brothers to sell out of a great Yeti donor, 8007. This son of Alternative is a phenotypic standout with figures that rank him among the elite. Maternal power and carcass combination.

by Managing Editor Stevie Ipsen

In a world where food is tailored to what consumers want on their dinner plates, beef producers, too, have become hypervigilant about raising a product that is not just humanelyraised but is also nutritous and includes all the flavor and variety beef eaters are in search of.

Unique to other food production sectors, cattlemen and women also have the added task of raising cattle that will best work for the people who raise them beyond the cow-calf sector. This series tackles the ways beef producers are adjusting to the needs of both producer and consumer in supplying animals and beef products that check all the boxes.