1 minute read

SCRAM - hosted at crossroads

Olympika participants play a heated game of table tennis.

Players compete in Olympika dodgeball.


Participants in the service project pack sanitary supplies into kits.

"quin etiam [...] mediis properas Aquilonibus ire per altum?"

—Dido, Aeneid 4.309-310

["Indeed, do you even hurry [...] to go through the deep with the northeast winds opposing?"]

Winter season: heavy weather

November's Photo of the Month: "Miramonte students on the 2023 CAJCL State Convention organizing committee pose after filming their promo video."

December's Iocus of the Month: created by Willows Community School student Nick Stein

December's Photo of the Month: "St. Ignatius JCLers celebrate Saturnalia by decorating cookies and wearing hats!"

Second port

Roman Holiday of the Month (from Kaylie Wu, the Menlo School): "the Menlo JCL club celebrated [Saturnalia] at a local shelter with decorations, food and gifts, and had someone even dress up as Santa as a surprise."

service spotlight!

Iocus of the Month: this mythology-themed meme from Brodie Santry of the Sage Hill School