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The new volunteer group, the ‘Kawana Krew’ getting ready to plant, from left, Steve, Mark, Jeanette, Jo, Helena, Rod, Roxanne (front, orange shirt), Anna (very back), Sam and Sue.

Sue, who suggested the group, planting with enthusiasm.

Steve Jo They came up the hill. Roxanne.

Twelve enthusiastic neighbours in Kawana St, Caravonica rolled out of bed on a Sunday morning in August for their first ‘Kawana Krew’ working bee. As a result, and in about 45 minutes, they had planted all 40 Lomandras and watered them in. Job well done! Local resident Sue showed initiative by contacting Green Space Our Place to see what they could do to upgrade an old landscaped section of her street. Due to the enthusiasm shown by the majority of residents, it was decided that Council would remove tired old plants, prune the remaining hedges and mulch the site for the volunteers to landscape and maintain. Sue explained, “Covid lockdown is what actually bonded this street and we’ve been meeting each Friday evening ever since. The island is between us and we wanted to improve what we were looking at. Everyone in the street is delighted with the improvement since Council trimmed and mulched and there have been lots of happy comments.”


They came down the hill. Anna, Mark and Sam.