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Business Masters Magazine Apprentice

NEW Apprentice Business Master


Luke Aberle

Luke’s view Offering a kids point of view of an adult world.

The tech products that excite all of us, never seem to get a kids opinion online. Finally we have a young entrepreneur with the determination to give opinions from a kids point of view and without the support of massive retailers trying to persuade a sale. Luke also hopes that if he can educate adults on what tech items or camping gear are great products, hopefully you can make a great choice and create some exciting experiences for your family!

Hi, my name is Luke Aberle, the 10 year old boy who created Lukesview.com. The reason why I created lukesview.com was for a couple of reasons:

1. I wanted to announce my story and passion to the world and the career I want to build. I want to help people find a place to learn and be inspired. This also gives me a chance to do what I love and have a passion for which is researching and testing tech and outdoor products that everyone loves.

“Where focus goes, energy flows”- Tony Robbins

2. I decided to start my own business and become an entrepreneur. And last year I thought of a neat idea, what if a ten year old boy reviewed the latest tech or camping gear to help people hear a point of view of a kid rather than the average adult review? Reviews always seem to come from adults on the things that we all love to buy and use, and I wanted to change that. Now I don’t save up my money for toys like most kids my age, I save it up my money for what mostly grown ups and tech YouTuber’s would save up for.

I defi.ne my avatar or dream client as the adult who loves to learn about tech and outdoor products as much as I do. My dream client is someone who sees value in a product review or opinion that is coming from a young man who sees the world from an unbiased place. I am not influenced by money, government, or big businesses that invest in market domination. I don’t have the funds that adults have, so I am looking for value in products, not just popularity. So if I can be the connecting link between companies selling a product and the person looking for it, then I am doing good. If I am not clear about who I am trying to help I would not be able to be interesting in this big world of information.

I think that people need more options when looking for opinions. Let’s just say for example an average adult is searching Google for a pair of headphones they may want to buy. They look and look and they find reviews by grown ups who are consumed by big retail sponsors. And really that is the market, which is smothered by all of the different kinds of headphones reviewed by grown ups. Now they can come to lukesview.com and see an opinion from me on what I think works great too. I look at function, cost effectiveness, and ease of use. Adults are happy to hear my opinion because it often gives them that unbiased opinion with a different meaning. I also help resolve stress of giving advice on products that work as gifts for other kids in my age group.

I define my avatar or dream client as the adult who loves to learn about tech and outdoor products as much as I do.

So if you want to send me products to review please send me a email and I will get back to you. Please send me an email at Lukeaberle12@gmail.com. I will gladly review it for you. Thank you to my Dad for inviting me to be a part of Business Masters Magazine

Learn more about Luke and his program visit: lukesview.com