3 minute read


by John Hardy

Technology continues to be a game changer, a transformational life changer and an exciting business and career changer.


In all facets of the tech sector, and in most tech aspects of business, the only constant is change. And often, it is change at warp speed.

But it is an undisputable, double-barreled fact. To grow and succeed, businesses must be tech focused and up to date. To achieve and succeed, tech talent must be skilled and certified.

Lighthouse Labs, often called Canada’s leading tech educator, was created 10 years ago by a team with a passion for code, mentorship and education.

Their idea was ambitious and determined: to continuously find the best ways to train the next generation of tech talent and transform the way tech education is delivered.

Today, among its students and in business, it is how Lighthouse Labs continues to earn its exceptional reputation.

To date, the innovative and respected Lighthouse Labs team of instructors and mentors has delivered hands-on tech education to over 40,000 Canadians. It has also launched thousands of graduates into careers as skilled and certified developers, data scientists, data analysts, and cyber security professionals who boost the efficiency and success of their employers.

The Lighthouse Labs focus is dynamic and unique. “It is mentored, hands-on education done differently,” explains the enthusiastic Jeremy Shaki, Lighthouse Labs’ CEO.

“We need to know students feel well prepared for their job interviews, their first day at work and the work they will be doing three years from now, and our entire education philosophy is centred around that.”

“We look for people who are motivated and resilient, who approach every task with a growth mindset. Whether it is re-skilling or up-skilling for today’s workforce, being qualified, up to date, certified and tech savvy are keys to achieve and succeed.”

The latest in-demand tech skills are the Lighthouse Labs’ specialty. While web development continues to be the most popular program, specialized technical skills like cyber security and data analysis are also highly sought after in today’s job market.

There is a heightened appetite for cyber and data skills amongst organizations, and more and more Canadians are realizing there is a huge future in these areas.

Shaki emphasizes that certified tech talent is a win-win for employees and employers.

“By upskilling, workers can upgrade their skills to become indispensable to their employers without quitting their day jobs,” he notes. “In today’s digital landscape, learning technical skills and expanding a person’s knowledge base are essential. If workers are concerned about their job security, it is an effective and great place to start.”

As technology and innovation accelerate and disrupt industries across nearly every sector, Lighthouse Labs provides the necessary skills for rewarding careers in today’s – and tomorrow’s – digital workforce.

The Lighthouse Labs track record is impressive. The recent Student Outcomes Report showed an 85 per cent employment rate across all graduating groups. Digital skills are applicable to any industry, and some Lighthouse Labs graduates now work for organizations such as the NFL, Nike, Telus and others.

“Our personalized, student-centric approach to learning is a key priority. It surrounds the learner with incredible amounts of support and feedback at all stages of their learning and career search,” Shaki points out.

The Lighthouse Labs priority is to make sure they are qualified and fully prepared to take on the challenges of the workplace. “Mentorship is vital and the backbone of our programs. As working industry professionals, our mentors are tremendously valuable in building industry connections to support the success of our students.”

Although many contemporary employers grasp the value of tech skilled and certified employees, a high attrition rate in today’s tech landscape is causing some businesses to scramble in order to retain top talent and to support their best employees.

The encouraging good news? Industry stats and trends show that getting employees upgraded and certified is paying off – big time. There is considerable ROI and a positive business bottom line about having skilled, up to date and certified tech talent in the organization.

• Improving workplace methodologies and professionalism.

• Upgrading and certification improving employee retention, morale and acquisition.

• Optimizing new client engagement.

• It is usually cheaper to get existing staff certified than to hire certified staff from outside.

A key aspect of the immersive and hands-on Lighthouse Labs concept is being plugged-in to the needs of business and the workplace. Lighthouse Labs is helping employers close the critical skills gap and empowering working professionals to enjoy more secure, flexible and fulfilling careers through its Corporate Training initiative.

With digital transformation permeating every industry, many organizations are facing a lack of skilled talent. Lighthouse Labs consults with enterprise companies to optimize inhouse talent, elevate team performance, achieve their DEI initiatives and fill critical tech functions faster and more cost-effectively.

With the largest career services team in the country, 400 industry professionals who all support Lighthouse Labs’ students while actively working in their relevant field, the Lighthouse Labs’ focus is on learning and problem solving to ensure job readiness.

“We help talent prepare for, find and land their next career opportunity,” Jeremy Shaki explains, “making them job-ready on day one for one of our 4,000+ corporate hiring partners.”

Lighthouse Labs measures the results in both the short-term, in the Student Outcomes Report, and the long-term, in the Career Trajectory Report, both effective ways to track the goals of Lighthouse Labs’ students.

“After all, students aren’t coming here only to learn,” he notes with enthusiasm. “They come here to achieve a better career.”