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Put your business up in lights!

Entries are still open on both of the region’s leading tourism awards.

The last year has highlighted the need for tourism to adapt and innovate

The 2021/22 Devon Tourism Awards are now in their 12th year, while their Cornish counterpart have been running for the past 20 years. The awards offer businesses the chance to win not just locally, but to progress on to the regional south west awards and – for matching categories – the national VisitEngland awards. The launch came fresh on the heels of the 2020/21 awards, held in what was an extraordinary year for tourism, hospitality and the world. The awards had to change their format several times, with widespread praise from entrants including such comments as: “Winning this award has made us feel that all our hard work and plans for the future have been acknowledged”.

Other entrants listed the benefits of entering as increasing bookings, generating PR, boosting staff morale, as well as the free feedback on how their business could be improved. The 2021/22 awards cover the full range of tourism-related businesses including pubs, cafes and restaurants as well as accommodation, wedding and business venues, attractions, events and experiences. There is a new award for Innovation and Resilience, as well as opportunities to submit entries for unsung heroes, new businesses, dog friendly, accessibility and sustainability. Awards organiser, Robin Barker, says: “The last year has highlighted the need for tourism to adapt and innovate, and the same applies to the awards. “This year sees new categories, new criteria and an extended entry period giving businesses the chance to enter early ‘before the rush’ or to leave it till they have welcomed more visitors if they prefer. We so look forward to engaging with everyone once again.” The awards are free to enter as they are supported by many sponsors and partners. Quality in Tourism is once again headline sponsor of both awards. Director Deborah Heather says: “The Devon Tourism industry’s response to what has been the most challenging situation and market in our recent history has been truly inspirational. Quality in Tourism is delighted to be Headline Sponsor once again for the 2021 Awards; we’re so excited to see the best of the industry improve on one of the most innovative years we have ever experienced.”

And turning towards the Cornwall Tourism Awards, she adds: “Following one of the most inspiring awards processes in our long history of supporting the Tourism Awards; Quality in Tourism is delighted to be Headline sponsor for Cornwall once again. We were truly inspired by the good and great of Cornwall tourism this year and can’t wait to be involved in the Cornwall Tourism Awards in 2021/22.”

While both the Devon and Cornwall 2020/21 awards were announced during online ceremonies, it is hoped that next year will return to a physical ceremony, which traditionally has become one of the highlights for so many in the industry. The Cornwall Tourism Awards are scheduled to be presented at Truro Cathedral on February 3, while the Devon Tourism Awards are down for March 10, at Plymouth Argyle FC, Home Park. All being well, the South West Tourism Awards ceremony will take place in Bridgwater on April 7.

Full details of the awards and how to enter can be seen on the respective websites. For both awards, all entries must be received by August 31.

Awards FAQ

Should I get a professional to complete my entry form?

Almost certainly not! Judges want to see the passion for excellence that comes from a business owner or manager. Judges want evidence rather than ‘fluff’ and marketing-speak.

Will I win extra business if I win?

You certainly can, but please don’t sit back and expect the business to flow in. Winning an award gives you a great tool and media story and if used effectively in your own PR, social media and marketing, you should certainly expect to win new business.

Can online events enter?

Online events can enter the Tourism Event & Festivals category, as long as they are able to demonstrate a contribution to the regional economy.

Don’t the same businesses always win?

The last few years have seen very few ‘repeat winners’ and the judging requirement for year-on-year quality enhancements makes it very hard for anyone to win again unless they have made significant new investments in their business and are genuinely outstanding in their field.

I’m a small business, how can I compete with the large ones with more resources?

The judges are well used to comparing businesses of very different types and sizes, usually asking themselves questions like “can this business be any better at what it is?” as well as “how well does this business deliver to its target audience?”. In the past this has led to satisfactory comparisons to individual cottages with large complexes, as well as surf schools and hire companies.