4 minute read



1 cup of red lentils

800ml boiling water

One garlic clove, crushed

Oone small echalion shallot( or a quarter of an onion), very finely sliced or grated

Quarter tsp salt (or to taste) tsp sunflower oil

Quater tsp tumeric


Soak the lentils in hot water while you prepare the other ingredients

Finely cut a clove of garlic (you can use a pestle and mortar to make it into a paste or you can grate the clove of garlic)

Finely cut the onion or grate it, (it is important this is done very fine to aid digestion)

Wash and drain the lentils

Add 800ml of boiling water to the pan (we will be adding more water later)

Add the onion and garlic into the pan

Then add a quarter tsp of tumeric and a tsp of pure sunflower oil

Regularly stirring it with a handheld whisk on a medium to high temperature will ensure it doesn’t run over and may make a mess on the cooker.

After 10 minutes add just less than a quarter tsp of salt and continue to stir regularly

When you notice it starts to thicken this is when the lentils are perfect for adults to have as a soup but if you want the consistency to be not so thick add 200 ml more water and give it a stir

Leave it to boil for 3 more minutes then take it of the heat and leave to cool

You can store this in the fridge for 48 hours or in the freezer in small batches.

I went through the above process step by step whilst writing this article to ensure it was perfect for your baby. If you feel that after cooking it, you wanted it to be smoother or you were not happy with the consistency for your baby you can put it in a blender. The key to making it perfect is to make the onion and garlic very fine. it is also very important to add the salt later rather than at the beginning. If you love lentils yourself and want to spruce up the daal for yourself then please connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, twitter or linkedIn and feel free to ask any questions, or if you have any comments.

With a abundance of high profile babies born so far this year, celebrity culture and social media mean more than ever, we are obsessed with which celebrity can shed those maternal pounds the quickest. All this pressure can leave the average Mum feeling incredibly inadequate! It is certainly the hardest time in your life to get motivated to exercise, whether that goal be fitness or weight loss. Buggyfit aims to change that, supporting Mums and providing a fun way to exercise that includes baby and is suitable for all.

Buggyfit is a unique fitness class designed with the needs of new Mums in mind. Lead by trained fitness professionals, Buggyfit classes are based on power walking and are proving to be the best way to get back to fitness, while baby enjoys the fresh air too. It is easy to see why Buggyfit is taking the country by storm with classes cropping up in most major towns.

Emma Redding the founder of Buggyfit in the UK, a qualified personal trainer and member of the guild of post-natal exercise teachers launched her company after the birth of her son in 2002. She is opening new classes every week around the UK to provide a social, fitness class for Mums and babies with the perfect mix of cardiovascular fat burning exercises and strengthening, toning and stretching. Buggyfit trainers make use of outdoor objects such as farm gates and park benches to re-tone mums’ muscles.

“The classes a 1 hour long, incorporating exercises to strengthen muscles weakened in pregnancy. We especially target butts, thighs, arms and abs, not forgetting our pelvic floors of course, with particular emphasis on good posture while walking” says Emma.

For Mums who can’t get to a class or want more, we’ve just launched Buggyfit at Home, a 14-week online workout created and delivered by Emma Redding, Founder of Buggyfit, along with Megan Vickers, specialist Women’s health physio and Co-founder of Four Sides London. Designed for all women, (especially Mums) who wish to focus on core and pelvic floor rehab while toning, and work out when and where you choose. This progressive programme focusses on stabilisation and building the foundations of a post birth body. Starting with a step by step guide to ‘checking your own abdominal gap’, posture and pelvic floor function, warm up suggestions, stretching guide, working a little harder each week to gain strength, tone and confidence.

You can do each week’s workout as often as you find time for, while baby naps or with baby by your side. With Emma and Megan instructing and describing each exercise, you can be safe in the knowledge that the whole programme is full of completely safe and nourishing exercises leaving you feeling great. The 14-workout programme is yours for 12 months giving you plenty of time to repeat and enjoy again and again. We believe this method to be the best postnatal programme today.

Your followers/readers are invited to take us up on a 50% launch offer of the full programme for just £74.50.

Contact: Emma Redding For more information emma@buggyfit.co.uk | 01844 202081 or 07919 173846

The company’s philosophy is Best for BABY


Best for YOU

By the time you put your little one to bed tonight, 8 million more disposable nappies and 20 million more single use baby wipes will have been thrown into landfill today in the UK alone. Most of these are single use plastic.

Polypropylene. Polyethylene. And they use tonnes of chlorine, alcohol, latex and PVC in their manufacture.

Concerned by these terrifying facts, Mama Bamboo, a relative new player in the baby care market, have created a new range of Bamaboo Essentials eco-friendly nappies and wipes.

Unlike other eco-nappies, these are made using sustainable bamboo and have a 100% compostable liner. They are the first nappy brand to also be wrapped in a 100% compostable wrapper. And the company practises carbon offsetting by planting bamboo in association with the Ugandan Bamboo Village programme.

Most importantly Bamaboo nappies have a softer-than-cotton, breathable quality to them, a great fit and high absorbency, making them a true contender for the premium nappy market. The company have not sacrificed quality or performance at all.

These are a nappy brand That ticks all the boxes.

Bamaboo wet wipes are equally impressive. Registered with the Vegan Society and containing over 98% water and plant-based ingredients. Independently tested to ensure they’re suitable for even delicate, newborn skin, they are hypoallergenic, naturally antibacterial and contain no harsh chemicals

Bamaboo wipes are 100% compostable bamboo fibre and wrapped in recycled materials.

Bamaboo nappies and wipes are available at Ocado, Amazon and from Mama Bamboo www.mamabamboo.com

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