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State Retailers' Annual Convention

(Continued from Page 28) to each of the firms abovermentioned expressing the thanks of the Association fdr their bssistance.

RESOLVED'that the Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association be instructed to write letters men's Association, express to the Agriculture Department of the University of California and their representatives, through our Secretary, the sincere appreciation- of-the Association for the instructive contribution made by them to our program.

RESOLVED that the Directors and Members of the California. Retail Lumbermen's Association extend to the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association expression of our appreciation for their untiring effirrt and efficient service tolhe Lumbqrmen of California and to the expansion program of said Association during the past year;

FURTHERMORE, It is the wish of this Association that honorable mention be made for the able assistance of their Mr. Paul Overend, and officers of said company.

RESOLVED that all members of this Association express, by rising vote, their appreciation for the splendid results obtained by virtue of the untiring efforts of our President H. A. Lake, for his part in increasing membership of the California Retail Lumbermen's Assogiation; coordinating all factors o{ the industry; creating local associations, and strengthening the friendly feeling and cooperative spirit that exists between those engaged in the Lumber and Building Material industries in California.

Directors' Organization Meeting

of appreciation to all of those who contributed to the of our programs of the convention held at the Palace Hotel, Sin Francisco, November 7,8 and 9, 1929.

RESOLVED that we, the California Retail Lumber-

The board of directors held their organization meeting at noon Saturday. The principal business at this meeting was the election of officers. At this election A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle, was noririnated for re-election as Southern vice-

(Continued on Page 36)
