1 minute read

CREO-DIPT takes over Longlyfe Rustics

CALIFORNIA'S famous shingles now being sold stained as well as unproduct.

The Creo-Dipt Company has t?ken ov-er the Hand-split Pitgrims help the ottractiuerrcss ol this california home designed by errtire output of the Longlyfe Shingle " iiinitrh iisi"oti.Johiiin,'toi- eisiiis, Catrt. Company at Port Angeles, lfashington. In the furure Long. lyfe hustics will be ild under thJ t a-e of Creo-Dipt Pii-

7{o clunge in specifinatians grims.

Remember, the only change is one in name. The same mills CL9o--Dipg Pilgrims will be available in any color. They make Pilgrims from the same gqalltt timber._ Pilgdms:re will be stained by the exclusive Creo-Dipt pressure process 21" long, average one inch in thickness at the butt. The that forces color and preserving oils deepinto the wood. weathet side is rough, uneven, while the backs are smooth Or if you prefer, you can buy them uistained, just as you sawn to assure water tightness..Do^y911- want ptices, photohav. formirly.

Extenshte advertising to lwlp jpu seLL the names and addrcsses:

Back of the new Creo.Dipt Pilgrims will be put all the power of Creo-Dipt advertising. For instance, we have just CREO-DIpT COMpAI{yr INC. mailed six photographs of beautiful California homes----cvery on-e a Pilgrim job-to every architect in your territory. There General Offices-North Tonawanda, N. Y. will be constant advertising to these architects-continuous Olfices in principal Citicc in United Statec and Canada glfoy t9. help you sell. fhere is a mighty big market for H. A. Durrc, rx s. orr&do sL, Ir An3cr', carf. hand-split shingles. '!(/e are out to help you get it with s. E: b;"td;, 2iitb.k st*i-U--A;Fh;;i:"m--

SutLm Repmtatircr: Northcm Rqmsntrtiv.st creo'Dipt Pilgtims'

ITHE Hrpo'.rro coMpANy 'ANTA FE LUMBER coMpANy 202f S. Alucdt SL la C.ltfmh Strut cREo:Dpr-c"rr;";;i";., Lc Anrer*' calir' su Fmclcco' cetif' Oliver Street,

Creo-Dipt Stains, also sample pieces of your selling helps.