3 minute read

cZ[ake this test with theotd OakenBucket

tr SPECIFY the famous Old Oaken Bucket because the old bucket held water and this test concerns water ! To hold rvater it couldn't be merely moist-tight or dampproof-it had be be waterproof ! Hence the song-nobody will sing the praises of a leaky bucket or anything else that won't hold water.

Praises can be loudly sung for Pioneer Glazed. Building Paper because it holds water too ! It holds it back-keeps it from reaching the materials and structural parts that need absolute protection ! Here's where the test comes in-prove our statement to your own satisfaction. Make the Old Oaken Bucket your laboratory, fill it up with water, throw in a sample of Pioneer Glazed Building Paper and leave it there for several days or longer, if you wish. You will find it is just as waterproof as the Old Oaken Bucket itself-it will stand the test. It alwavs has ! Trv the same test with any other material and you'll undeistand why we emphasize the importance of Pioneer Glazed Building Paper and its waterproof qualities.

That's zulty it has been in suclt great d,emand a.s sheath,in.g for walls, under hardurood floors, arou,nd stair-cases, for lining shipping and packing cases and, to protect noachiner\t and, materials erposed to water and, ztteather. It's u,aterproof-not merely ntoisture-t.igltt! And,, lihe the Old Oaken Bwcket, it wiil serzte faithfully for yeais and, years!

For ordinary construction, use Pioneer Duplex Building Papercoated on one side with asphalt. Saves dollars in protecting hardwood floors, stairways, tile, granite and marble, while building.

Pioneer Paper Cornpany, Inc., Ertablirhcd l88t

Lor Angeler Portland San Francirco Seattle

Pionecr Manufacturcr a Completc Linc of Roofingr and Building Paperr


R. P. Phillips, well-knotvn San Francisco lumberman, is now associated with the Beronio Lumber Co. of San Francisco. Mr. Phillips has represented Pope & Talbot. one of the pioneer lumbir concertls'of San Francisco, in the San Francisco district for fnany years. Hb took up his new duties on October 15.


Harvey Isenhower, who' recently joined the sales force of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., is now representing the company in San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley districts. Ltoya Harris, who formerly represented the company in thii territory, will assist Fred Holmes in the San Francisco office and-also call on the trade in the Bay District.

Fred Sieke Returns From Vacation Trip In North

Fred Sieke, San Francisco representative of the Smith Lumber Co. of San Francisco, has returned from an enjoyable three weeks' trip touring the Northwest. He visited Portland, Seattle, Vancouver,-B' C., and many other points of interest. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sieke on the trip.


Mctropolltu Blda. - Vencouvar, B-C. ADVICE AND SERVICES



In British Columbia or The West Officers and Directors:

M. rL Grdnlcr, Prcr - Alrd Flavcllc' Vlcc-Pror

F. n. poatct"i. I)lrcctor - L. Llfon, Forelt EDgln@r


C. W. Willette, Industrial Engineer and pioneer builder of sawmills, is a California visitor and calling on some of his lumbermen friends in the San Francisco district. For the past several years he lras been making his headqualters in the Northwesi, and wfuile enjoying his vacation in California, he is'visiting with: his son, who resides in Petaluma. Mr. Willette made his first trip to San Francisco over sixtyfive years ago, making the trip by wagon from his home in Illin6is. Oitris first t-rip, he siys that there were 17 wagons in the party and the trip was made via Council Bluffs,ove-r the old F6rt Hall Trail, which followed the North Fork of the Platte, thence to Salt Lake City, and through Ngvada to San Francisco, where the party arrived in 1860. The following spring he made the trip around Cape florn to New York.

He savs that he is now interested in the River Logging and Lurirber Co., which figures on constructing a mill at Kaskela. Ore. Mr. Willette states that he has constructed 43 sawmills throughout the different lumber regions of the countrY.

Eddie Peggs On Northwest Trip

Eddie Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co', San Francisco' is in the Norlhwest on a two weeks' business trip, where he is visiting the mills and looking over the lumber market conditions. -The W.'R. Chamberlin Company represents the Defiance Lumber Co., Dempsey Lumber Co., ClarkNickerson Lumber Co., Barnet Lumber Co. and several other larse Northwest mill manufacturers in the California market. -"Eddie" will return to San Francisco about November 1.

The greatest of all our words, by heck,Are ihe welcome ones, "Enclosed find check."