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Henry Winfree, Dant & Russell Sales Co', Modesto, returne<l late in May from two weeks' trip to the company's plants, and the home offrce in Portland'

A. E. Wolff, general manager' ltounds Trading Company, San Francisco, paid a visit to the company's Southern Caliiornia office at l-ong Beach early this month' district rvholesale lumbusiness trip to Eugene

Fred Smales, manager, California division, United States Ply'ivood Corp., I.os Angeles, recently returned from a 10day flying trip ttl San Francisco, the New York office, Algo*u, lliis., ana the company's nerv hard.'vood plyl'vood plant at Orangeburg, South Carolina.

Al Kelley, San Francisco BaY berman, returned recentlY from a and Medford, Oregon.

Ed Fountain, Ecl Fountain Lumber Co', I-os Angeles' left NIay 31, by plane for Nerv York. He visited Detroit' ancl attencled the 5Tth annual meeting of the NationalAmerican \\rholesale l-umller Associatitln, of $'hich he is a clirector, at the li<lgervater lleach Hotel, Chicago' June 7 and 8. He fleu' all the waY.

Robert Tyler, n'ho has been u'itir John -\' Ittrdbach & Co. for the past 1'ear, u'ill cover Orange County and a part of the San Fertlanclo Valley for the company' He u'as in the Navv during the lvar, and u'as discharged as chief petty ofhcer u'ith six vears' service.

LeRoy H. Stanton, S.., E. J. Stanton & Son, l-os Angeles, returnecl June 13 f rom a business triil, or1 r"hich he clevoted considerable time to Hoo-Hoo afiairs, that took him up the coast, through the PacihcNorthrl,est, ancl ihto Vancouver, Ilritish Columbia' He rep()rts a more 'optimistic outlook generaliy. u'ith llusiness trencls on the upsn'ing. He l'as accompanied on his trip br- NIrs. Stanton'

A{ter a twenty-year vacation from the lumbcr business' Rod Hendrickson is once more back in a branch of the industry. He and his olclest son Bob own a furniture plant in Brattleboro, Vermont, and manufactttre the Templeton line of maple bedroom and dining room furniture' Their layout covers {our and a half acres, and includes a 160 foot dry kiln, and some 120 machines. Ninety people are emploYed in the business.

Rocl is a noted radio actor, and can be heard regularly on such top Nerv York Programs as Cavalcade of America' Gangbusters, Counterspy, The Sheriff, and manv others' and he rvill continue rvith this work.

Bob, n,ith a partner, built up the furniture concern from scratch into zr quarter million dollar plant in eight years' Rod recently bought out the partner, and a new corporation rvas formed rvith Robert E. Hendrickson as president, and Rod Hendrickson, vice president and treasurer'


Miss N{irv Pryor of Pasadena \\ras marrie<l to Fred Wood at St. Philip's Church, Pasadena' on N'fay 6' The reception rvas held at the Huntington Hotel'

The honeymoon \\'as spent in the l'acific North"vest' N{r. Wood is a son of \Varren Il. \\rood, president of E. K. Wood Lumber Co., I-os Angeles' and is employed ;rt the company's Long Beach Yard.

Frcrnk DuPont Joins Ostin Moulding

Leonarcl I-. Salasky, secretary-treasurer of the David Ostin N{oulrling Corporation, Sacramento. Caliiornia, announces the apptlintment of Frank DuPont as manager of the pine departrnent of that concern. lVlr' Dul)ont has a long luml;er background, having been connectecl at diffe.e.rf times rvith mills in Washington and Cali{ornia' His last associati<tn rr'as I'ith the Wheeler Pine Company' of San Francisco.

Speciclizes in Cclilornia Woods

West Coast Lumber Co., r,l'holesale distribution yard, locatecl at 6865 Vineland Aventle, North Hollyrvood, which opened iast November, specializes in Ponderosa and Sugar pine and Sequoia redtvoocl' The principals in the company are E. W. Bell and \V. C. BaileY'