2 minute read


John A. Rudbach, of John A. ltudbach & Co., Los Angeles, rvas in N{edford middle of I\'Iay inspecting the ne'uv mill and plant that Rogue Lumber Sales has ttnder construction.

Robt. C. (Bob) Sand, Cole Door & I'lyrvood Co., Los Angeles, fleu' to Indianapolis to attend the 500-mile autobile race at the Speedrvay there, X'[ay 30.

Hollis J. Nunneley has been cific Nlutual Door CornPany's appointed manager of Pahome office in Tacoma.

Louis W. Robeson o{ Louis geles rvholesale distributors of neers, returned recently from a cisco and Oregon.

Sam Davis, sales manager, Arcata, rvas recently in Los 6rm.

\\t. Robeson Co., Los Anharcl'n,ood panels attd vebusiness trip to San Fran-

Dolly Varden Lumber Co.' Angeles on business for his

C. E. Magnuson, made a business and Sound 'limber pleasure trip to

Co., Arcata, recentlv Los Angeles.

Nolen E. Mills, rvho u'as Southwest division manager of Plywood, Inc., at Oklahoma City {or some time, l-ras been transferred back to Los Angeles as manager of the \Vesterr"r Division, making headquarters at Plyu'oorl Los Angeles, Inc.

C. H. (Chuck) Corwin, rvho has been lr'ith the firm {or many years, has been appointed sales manager for T' N{' Cobb Co., succeecling Earl Galbraith, u'ho has resigned'

Riley Spangler, experienced retail lumberman' was appointed manager of the Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, May 15, succeeding Dale Frane, r'vho resigned to go into the hardt are business for himself in Menlo l'ark, Calif' been appointed assistant Lumber Con"rpany, Leba- r,eigh McWilliams is norv coverir'g the Southern Calr fornia territory for llounds Trading Company. He is a graduate of Whittier College, and 'lvas rvith Hallinan Mackin Lumber Co., Los Angeles, as salesman for a year. He is n'orkir.rg out of the Long lSeach office, u'hich is under tl.re mar,agement of Max Barnette.

Richard E. "Dick" Davis has sales manager o{ the Santiam non, Oregon.

J. A. (Al) Privett, general manager, E. K. \\rood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, left May 11, by automobile, for an extended trip to the I'acific Northrvest u'ith a party of friends. Ife intencls to do some lishing in Northern Oregor-r and 'rvill be back July 6 or 7.

Harold Baker, rvho u,as formerly sales representative for H. B. Cooper Lumber Co., of Portland in Phoenix, Arizona, is now rvith Wheeler l'ine Co., Los Angeles, as salesman in the Southern California territory.

Henry M. Hink, presiclent of Dolbeer & Carson I.umllcr Co., San Francisco, has returned from spending a week in Southern California. FIe visited the company's office in Los Angeles, and spent a ferv days in San Diego.

John G. Martin \rallev for Dant c& is a new salesman Russell Sales Co. in the Sacramento

Bob Bonner has resigned his position rvith Gamerston & Green I-umber Co., and became associated rvith Ricci & Kruse I-uurber Co., June 1. He had been rvith Gamerston & Greeu since 1938 except lor 3l years' u'ar service as an officer in the infantry.

Kenneth B. Outerbridge, of the Homasote Company, Trenton, N. J., rvas in San Francisco recently on business. IIe made his headcluarters at the offices oi Alfred E. I-illy ancl Associates, recently appointed factory representatives for Homasote.

George J. Hawley, secretary, Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Iirancisco, is back from spending his vacation at his summer cottage at Clear Lake.