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National Lumber Manufacturers and Retailers Joint Meeting

Serious and extencled consideration was given to revising the statement of policy of the National Lumber Nfanufacturers Association b1' the board o{ directors at the spring meeting May 11-13, at Washington. Association President Glassorv said he tl-rought the suggested changes in wording rvould help to clear up tl-re association's stand on several matters.

"The suggestions," NIr. Glassorv said' "were aimed at improving the language of the statement l'vhich stands as :t pr.rt,ti. e*p.ession of the association's views as to basic -.cono*i. ancl political philosophy." The statement also is the guide used by the NLN{A staff in its activities regard' ing legislation and national affairs.

"I believe u'e have made a good start tou'ard clarifying some sections of the statement," Mr. Glassorv commented' ,.particularly those that reflected our attitude to'nvard futttre regulations ancl control of independence' I think the chorlge, suggested r,vill give us a more effective expression of our strong sponsorship of the private enterprise system as :lvell.

'Ihe seconcl day of the meeting, held at the Shoreham Hotel, brought together representatives of NLMA 'ir''ith retailers, 'ivholesalers, and commission men to hear addresses by Robert'A. Taft and Kenneth S' \Vherry'

The May 12th session also brought to the meeting 16-

Deqlers Ollered Pre-Cut Rustic Building Logs

Pre-cut Douglas fir logs are being offered to dealers to be sold for rustic type homes, drive-ins, motels, lodges, etc'' by Log Structttres of the Southu'est, Inc', 344 West Colorado Boulevard, Glendale 4'

The log is square cut on three sides' The l>ark is peeled off and surface treated to resist termites and discol0ration. The inside sur{ace is planed smooth, and top and bottom surfaces are grooved to receive a lvooden spline' year'-old Peter W. Irackard, of Boston, president of the Copley Craftsmen, rvinner of the National Junior Achievement An,ard for rvood products manufacture and marketing. He received from his o'il'n Congressman, Rep' Christian A. Herter, a handsome plaque and a certificate of arvard for outstanding excellence.

Pledges of cooperation in the lumber industry efforts to support the private enterprise system came from presidents of the retailers, lvholesalers and commission lumber salesmen,

At the afternoon session May lZth, H. M. Seaman, president of the Southern Pine Association, Clyde Martin, Sidney Ferguson, president of 'the AFPI, and R' A' Colgan, exectttive vice president of NLMA spoke.

Harry Uhl spoke oh light and heavy timber sales promotion ; Carl Risl-rell spoke on new products, new uses; Walter E. Nlorgan spoke on commission men's problems; and Earl H. Houston spoke on promotion begins at the grass roots.

On Friday, May 13th, the board of directors of NLI\IA reconvened. Among actions taken u''ere : Approval of the application o{ the hardrvood plyrvood institute for afrfrliation rvith NLNIA; Approval of two special projects; and decision to hold the annual meeting of the NLMA at the Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, La., October 24-26th'

Advertising Pre-Fcrbs in RhYme

Gimbels great departlnellt stores in New York sells about five hundred thousand dollars u'orth of pre-fabricated buildings every year. A recent full page advertisement by this store in the Nerv York Times, used the follon'ing rhyme:

"These Gimbel pre-fabs dot the land, From sea to shining seaTo purple mount, to fruited Plain. We'll ship one off to thee." '