3 minute read


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Arcqlq Lumber Services, Arcqto, Colif.

Arcolo Lumber Services, Crescenl Cily, Colif.

Arcqlo Timber Producls, Arcolo, Colif.

Associoted Cooperolives, Eureko, Cqlif.

Cunninghom E Quigley, Fortuno, Cslif.

Denbqr Lumber Co., Smith

Evons Lumbcr Co., RockPort, Cqlif.

F & M lumber Co., Crescenl City, Colif.

Hornden Bros. Lumber Co., Arcqto, Colif.

Olsen Lumber Co., Arcolo, Colif.

W. C. Peterson, Arcolo, Cclif.

Elmer Skoog, McConn, Colif.

G. L. Speier Co., Arcqlq, Colif. (fhree Mills)

South Boy lumber Co., Fields Londing,

Marsh \(/all Products, Inc. New Building Program

Mcrsh Wcrll Products, Inc. Plcrnt

Marsh Wall Products, Inc., Dover, Ohio, manufacturers of "Marlite" plastic-finished 'ivall and ceiling panels, will complete in April a $300,000 new building program that will mean greatly expanded facilities for the production of its products. The building program is part of the expansion plan annouuced rvhen Marsh recently became a subsidiary of the Nfasonite Corporation.

For many years N{asonite has been closely associated with Marsh Wall Products, Inc. As a Masonite subsidiary, Marsh will continue to operate under its present management and sales force, and will continue to serve its same clealers. During the past 18 years Marsh has done much to establish pre-finished panels, such as "Marlite," as a stock' in-trade item in nearly 9O/. of the nation's lumber yards'

The building program itself includes:

1. A r-rerv 12,500 square foot addition to the main Marsh plant, in order to step up the production of the nerv Marble and \\rood-Patterns of Marlite.

2. Nerv rvarehousing and shipping facilities that will provide approximately another 31,000 square feet of floor space.

3. A complete nerv office building u'ith approximately 14,000 square feet of floor sPace.

The main Marsh plant addition is being built arounC and over the space presently occupied by the old ofifice building, rvhich is being torn down. Here rvill be installeci a new high production baking oven and related equipmenl: which will be used for the increased production of nert' Marlite Marble and Wood Patterns, and rvill increase fa' cilities for the production o{ the popular N{arlite panels in plain colors, horizontaline and tile patterns.

The second plant addition rvill provide moulding production lines, expanded shipping facilities, added storagc space for the inventory of finished products, and will also supplement the present production areas' With this enlarged inventory space, orders can be delivered right from stock, V. R. Marsh, executive vice-president, points out'

Completely modern and air-conditioned, the new Marsh general office building will also feature displaying model Marlite installations.

The present Marsh plant covers a site of about 8 acrcs at Dover, Ohio. Upon completion of the nerv plant additions and office building, the total plant and office spacc will aggregate 163,000 and 14,000 square feet respectively. It will now be possible, Mr. Marsh states, to step up the output of the ner,v r,r'ood and marble patterns rvithout interrupting production of the other lines.

a department for S. F. Lumbermen's Club Members Hear Talk on Baseball

Charles Graham, vice president and general manager of the San Francisco Seals was the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, May 24.

The new additions are of modern brick, concrete and steel, with complete sprinkling facilities. The entire project is scheduled for completion in April, 1949.

Lumberman Heads Scouts

Henry B. Grandin, rvell known lumberman of San Nlarino, California, was recently elected Chairman of the Twelfth Region of Boy Scouts of America, succeeding K. K. Bechtel, of San Francisco.

Represents Shingle Bureau

ln Southwest

Appointment of E. L .Randel as field representative in California and the Southrvest is announced by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle.

Randel will cover this region on behalf of approximately 1@ single mills in the Pacific Northwest comprising the membership of the Bureau. He rvill assist lumber dealers in merchandising Certigrade shingles and will be available for group meetings of various types.

A native of Texas, Randel attended the University of Texas and Texas Christian University. He served four years during the war as an officer in the U. S. Navy.

Randel recently completed a collrse in building materials distribution conducted at Southern Methodist University, under auspices of the Lumbermen's Association of Texas.

New Forestry Directory Issued

Covering the work of every agency dealing with forestry, The Forestry Directory, 1949, just published by the American Tree Association is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to forestry activities in the United States and Canada ever compiled.

It is a cloth-bound book of 420 pages, (> by 9 inches, illustrated rvith maps and graphs, and may be obtained from the American Tree Association, l2l4 l6th Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. The price is $3 postpaid. It carries a foreword by Randolph G. Pack, president of the American Tree Association.

Mr. Graham gave a very good talk on the management of a baseball club, and the interest of the members was. clearly shorvn by the large number of questions they asked the speaker. Charles McPhee, American Stevedore Co., San Francisco, u'as chairman of the day and introduced the speaker.

President Fred J. Ziese, Sr., presided. He announced that no meetings rvill be held until the annual Fall Roundup in August.