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looking For A Quick Qucrliry Pick-Up?

For over 30 yeors we hove corried the highest quolity hordwood ond soflwood plywoods. Our stock now includes lhe finest Simpson Insuloting boord producls, Mosonile Brond producls, ond Formico. Your truck con mqke o quick quolity pick-up qt our worehouse. Send it over lo

Georgia-Pacific Plywood Plants Step Up Production

Sales of Georgia-Pacific I'lyrvood & Lun-rber Co' for the lrrst cluarter ol 1949 u'ere $8,216,756 and net profit after taxes rvas $210,631, as compared rvith sales of $10,558,183 and net profit of $889,216 for the like qtlarter in the previous year. The company's financial position continues strong, rvith n'orking capital ratio of 2.8 to 1 and cash balances of $2,300,000.

In explaining the drop in sales and profits, Ou'en R' Cheatharn, president, stated tl-rat while figures in the latest quarter are appreciably lon'er than those reported for tl-re record comparable period of 1948, they were very ellcouraging to management. "The seYere u'inter in the 'rvest made full time operating of our mills impossible," he said, "and average price reductions, starting in November, resulted in approxinrately a 20% decline, largely occurring in the months of Jar-ruary and February. Despite these diffrcult conditions the company \r'as able to operate at a profit during each of tlte three months of the quarter, u'ith Profits increasing substantiallf in NIarch.

"The company's plyrvood plants at Bellingham, \Vashingtorr arrcl Springfield, Oregon, have steppecl up their output fron, a five-day rveek to a six-day tl'eek, 24-hour a day schcclule to handle rush orders of the tlvo lllants in Olympia, \\rashington, recentiv clamaged by earthquake. One of the tr\,o company mills at Ol1'mpia already has resumed

Diamond Match Executives Pay Tribute to l. E. Brink

Chico, Calif.-NIore than B0 executives of The Diamond N{atch Company gathered at the Hotel Oaks here recently for a "surprise" testimonial dinner for Ira E' Brink, manager of yards and stores, California Divisior-r' NIr. Brink has just rounded out 40 years of service rvith the company, all in the Golden State.

Nfr. ISrink joir-red Diamoncl on May 1, 1909 as manager of the company's retail yard at Arbuckle. He rvas appoir-rtecl man:rger of the Woodland retail vard in 1911 and held this position until 1923 lr'hen he llecaure superintendent of yards u'ith headquarters at Cirico. lle n'as elevated to his present office in 1937.

\'t. G. Atchison, actecl as toastmaster at the dinner for Mr. l3rink. \{r. Atchison is assistant to Joseph E' I)u1'fey, vice presiclettt ih charge o{ tirnber and lumber operations.

Pro<luction on a one-sl.rift basis, rvith both plants schedulecl to ,".r-" a five-day Z4-hour a clay schedule on May 16' L.ftmost cooperatiou has been extended b1' all in aiding the company over this diffrculty, inclucling a u'aiver tl.ris vcar by unior.rizecl labor of the usual mid-summer vacation pe riod at Olvrnpia, tl.rus assuring cor,tinued uninterrttpted production u'hen full operations is resumed."