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\(/all Street Journal \Trites Up Lumber Town of Scotia

Scotia, Calif.-Looking for an escape from the high cost of living? Scotia is the place.

In this little. (population: 2,000) logging and milling "company town" at the upper end of California, lumber' jacks and millhands live in a tourist-type hotel for $15 to $18 a week, including room service, and eat food recomrnended by Duncan Hines f.or 67 cents a meal.

Employees with families rent the torvn's 300 neat 4, .5 and 6 room houses for $24 to $36 a month (and $6 extra for fireplaces) 'ivith water and garbage service throrvn in.

Scotia is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Pacific Lumber Co., operator of the world's largest redrvood mill. The company has its orvu polver station, fueled mostly by mill waste, to supply the torvn and mill. A mill-owned rvater system including a big filtration plant, furnishes Scotians their free water.

Herds of 1,000 cattle and 1,800 sheep on company ranches around Scotia supply meat for commissaries, hotel and family use. Meat is slaughtered and prepared in a company abattoir.

As the company is the only taxpal'er in the district, it foots the entire bill for Scotia's moderu grammar school. Company employees on the board of trustees are often able to rvheedle extra concessions from their big employer-taxpayer.

An employees' association maintains a modern fullystaffed hospital, providing hospitalization, surgical and medical care, including home services, for dues of around $1.60 a month to employees and half-price service to their f:rn.rilies. The company pays hospital deficits.

A company-orvned mercantile store supplies food and other commodities at prices tl-re same as those at independent stores in near-by communities (competitive pricing is done in order to avoid antagonizing the independent merchants). Other commodities and services such as a garage, tailor shop, beauty shop, movie theatre and barber shop are operated as concessions. A company-owned bank hanclles the community's financial affairs.

Scotia is one of the ferv California towns without a saloon, a cleliberate company policy, though packaged liquor is sold at the company store.

Nu-Wcy Builders Corp.

Sells Tension-tite Screens

Nu-\A/ay Builders Corp., 7326 Fslton Avenue, North Hollywood, has been appointed wholesale distributor in San Fernando Valley for Tension-tite Screens by Rudiger-Lang Corp.

As the town and mill are located on the Redu'ood Highrvay in the heart of a big recreational area, the hotel, the Scotia Inn, widely advertises its "lumberjack dinners" -the same food as the employees get-to attract the totlrist trade and puts up tourists when rooms are available.

Neat larvns and gardens in Scotia are stimulated by fat annual "memorial prizes"-tfuev run from $200 to $500Ior the best looking lawn in town, tl.re finest roses, best vegetable garden and other landscape features. County officials act as judges.

Scotia grel'v uP from a collection of shacks and bunkhouses set up in 1886 tvhen the mill started operations. The to\\.n represents a carrying-to-extremes o{ the old lvestern logging industry tradition that lumberjacks and mill hands rnust be lavishly fed and comfortably housed.

The town is run by a superintendent; it {ras a maintenance crerv of 33, including painters, paperhangers, pluurbcrs and laborers.

An employees' volunteer fire department, s'ith an espritde-corps typical of the days o{ the old West, operates upto-date equipment furnished by the company. Community affairs such as traffic and safety measures are threshed out in monthly management-employee conference grouPs.

Once a year the u.hole torvn and innumerable guests turn out for a n'hopping Labor Day barbecue in Scotia's big recreational park. "Assembly line" equipment especially designed for this affair includes pits big enough to barbectte a dozen steers at a time. As the meat comes out of the pit, 14 butchers cut it up and it slides dorvn stainless steel chutes onto seven steam tables with pans holding 60 pounds of meat apiece and on each table 600 charcoalheated aluminum plates for serving.

These tables are r,vheeled out to tl-re seven sections into u,hich the park is divided for serving the barbecuers. A second group of r,vheeled tables holds potato salad and other fixings-at last year's picnic they used a ton of salad. A third group of specially designed wheeled serving tables simultaneously holds dry-ice-refrigerated milk, butter and ice cream and steam-l-reated coffee. Feeding of as many as 4,200 guests in 28 minutes has been accomplished by the assembly line barbecue system.

Phone Number Chcrnged

The telephone numbers of the West Coast men's Association with offices in Room 4'63, of Con-rmerce Building, Los Angeles, have been to Pl{osoect 9214 and 9215.

LumberChamber changed


Sash And Screen Door

Cosey Doors, of quolity conslrucfion throughoul, hove honesl functionql design, cleon oppeqrqnce, long life, perfect weqlher proteclion ond ventilotion control. The sliding gloss sosh, locked on lhe inside when closed, is odiustoble lo qny desired degree of ventilotion. The glozed qluminum sosh is complelely weolher proof ond is removqble. The screen, of l5-mesh golvonized, is held by only two lugs. Cosey Doors qre monufoclured to very exocl speciflcqlions from top quolity stock. With only reqsonoble core ond point profeclion, they give lifetime sewice.