1 minute read

Sa/e,t*an ?/u Krarrt (4d Shoald Krarrt B"lth)

Jim Kirby

You don't have to talk very long to Jim Kirby to realize that he knorvs the lumber business. He went to rvork for Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., in San Francisco after leaving college, in 1932. He rvorked in the yard, then as shipping clerk, and later had charge of the company's boats, and became assistant to the sales manager. He t'as u'ith Gorman I-umbcr Salcs, Oakland, for tu'o years; l'ith \Vest Oregon Lumber Co., as salesman in San Francisco for some time, ar-rd completed his San Francisco experience lvith Lumber Terrninal Co., fnc., rvhere he u'as in charge of their lumber department for trvo years.

He joined the organization of Pacific Forest Products, Inc., Oakland, in June,7947, and has been sales representatir.e for them in Southern California since that time, n'ith offices in the Pacific Electric Building, Los Angeles.

Jim was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1913. He came to San Francisco in 1923; attended St. l\{ary's High Schooi and St. N'Iary's College, and started teaching in high school in San Francisco in 1931.

He married Miss Rose Banko in San Francisco in 1939. They have a iamily of three boys and a girl. They live in Puente.

Jim likes to play golf, and is a baseball and football ian. He is a member of the Puente Lions Club, and the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club.

Plcnt Closed lor Vacation

Announcement is made by J. di Cristina & Son, widely known firm of stair builders, tl-rat their plant and office at 350 Treat Avenue, San Francisco, will close for the annual vacation period, from July 1 to 10, inclusive.

Seqmcrn and Herndon Visit Northwest

Portland, Oregon: H. Nf Seaman and Kirby Herndon, of Houston, Texas, spent ten da'ys recently visiting the important sawmills in the Portland district, including the great plants at Longview. They were on a tour of inspection, and r.vere seeing Western mills for the first time. Mr. Seaman is vice president and general manag'er of the Kirby Lumber Corporation, of Houston. I\[r .Herndon is assistant general manager.


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You con depend on Georgio-pocific ro supply your plywood snd lumber producf needs in required sizes, species, snd grodes. Georgio-pocific,s slocks ore lorge, well-bqlonced,.diversifi ed. gervice is prompt ond dependcrhte.