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Eaeh Month

President Decorates California

Forest Fire Fighter

James W. Simons, of Los Angeles, a 38 year old employe of Los Angeles County's forestry department and the diiver of a bulldozer, was honored and decorated in Washington recently by the President of the United States for heroism and devotion to duty in fighting a bad forest fire' The ceremony took place on May l7th, at the White llouse. He was flown to Washington espe'cially for the ceremony by the American Forest Fire Foundation Awards Committee, and the program was in charge of Lyle F. Watts, Chief of the U. S. Forest Service. He was awarded the American Forest Fire Medal for heroism.

Last November, 1948, when a dangerous fire raged in Topanga Canyon, north of Los Angeles, he volunteered to drive his bulldozer across the front of the fire to create a fire line on which the hundreds of forest fire fighters might make a stand. He did the job, sometimes fairly enveloped by the edge of the flames. He cleared a fire break that saved 550 buildings, and emerged with his skin blistered, his clothing partly burned off, and his hair singed' It was a valorous piece of work, and was so declared by the many forestry and government officials who gathered in Washington on May lTth to do him honor.

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