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F. S. Buckley Door Co. Expands Facilities

25 Year Old San Francisco Concern Increases Floor Space 50 per cent.

The above illustration shorvs a partial vierv of the expanded plant of F. S. Buckley Door Co., located at 1698 Evans Avenue, San Francisco 24.

Recent plant in.rprovements include a new shop building, a new office, ancl lumber storage, a total increase in floor space of about 50 per cent. A sprinkler system rvill be installed in the near future.

The neu. shop equipment and extra lvarehouse space make for much more efficient operation than before.

The rvalls in the nerv office are finished in Weldtex. The ceiling is of tileboard. 'Ihe lighting is of the latest fluorescent type. \-enetian blinds add to the attractive appearance. The heating is done by Panelray heaters.

F. S. Buckley Door Co. is a partnership, consisting of

Heller Sells Flqme-Prool Paint

L. G. Heller, of San Francisco, has been appointed California state distributor for Flame-Seal, a fire retardent paint made by the Stallton Chemical Compar.ry, Long Island City., Neu' York. N[r. Heller is in the N{ills Buildi.g.

NIrs. Iluckley, Frederick Buckley and ll. W. Yeates. I\'{r. Yeates is general nlanager. Dan Httntington is in charge of shipping ar.rd production. Frederick Buckley is in the sales department.

In zrddition to sash and <loors the firm handles interior trim, door and rvindow frames, millwork, and mouldings. A glazing department is also maintained.

The F. S. Buckley Door Co. was established in 1924 b1. the late F. S. Buckley, one o{ the country's best knol'tl cloor salesmen. Older men in the business rvill recall that he pioneered the sale of fir doors in Texas and the Southu'est, and made a great record in that rvork in rvhat rvas then virgin territory for the fir door manufacturers.

Selwyn Shcrrp Went Ecrst

Sehvl'n J. Sharp of the California Redu'ood Association, San Francisco, attended the meeting of the American Lumber Standards Committee, held in Washington in N[ay, and then took his vacation, visiting with his daughters in \\raltham, N{ass.. and at Buffalo, New York.