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How Lumber Lrooks

The lumber markets generally continue weak. Engineering News-Record reports nationally that there is a definite spring upturn in general construction activity all over the nation, and makes a most optimistic report on the immediate outlook. However, the lumber market has not felt the improvement in any decisive fashion.

It should be remembered, in considering the building situation, that only the very unwise make their plans in the hope that inflation is normal, and that inflationary booms will last forever. That the present situation has developed, should occasion no great surprise, though regret is unavoidable.

For the rveek ending May 28th the West Coast Lumbermen's Association reports for 166 mills: production, 106,393,775 feet ; orders, 93,530,834' feet ; shipments, I09,1ffi,572 feet. For the week ending May 21, the same mills reported : production, 103,448,095 feet; orders, 105,895,897 ft; shipments 103,158,633 feet.

For the week ending May 28th the Western Pine Association reporting for 90 mills showed: production, 58,662,000 feet; orders 48,545,000 feet; shipments, 53,360,000 feet' For the week ending May 2l the same mills reported: production, 66,080,000 feet; orders , 56,512,m0 feet; shipments, 60,923,000 feet.

For the week ending May 28th The Southern Pine Association reporting f.or 97 mills showed: production 15,295,000 feet; orders, 13,921,000 feet; shipments, i5,939,000 feet. For the week ending May 2l the same mills reported: production, 18,462,W feet; orders 17,306,000 feet; ship' ments, 19,188,000 feet.

The National Lumber Manufacturers Association reporting for 431 mills reported for the rveek ending May 28th that shipments were 0.7 per cent below production, r,vhile orders were 13.6 per cent below production.

The California Redwood Association reports as follows for the month of April : production, redwood 31,941,000 feet, whitewoods 9,095,000 feet; shipments, redwood 25,M2,000 feet, whitewoods 7,413,000 feet; orders, redwood 24,319,N0 feet, whitewoods 6,278,000 feet.