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lndifference Costs You Business

More than two-thirds of allcustomers leave their suppliers due to supplier indifference. And 250lo are ready to switch suppliers at any time.

So to win new customers, solve their problems instead of attacking their current suppliers.

lCQUlSlIl0l{ ol Kaibab Industries' Colorado Distribution facility in Englewood, Co., by All-Coast Forest Products, Inc., Chino, Ca., was celebrated at a recent open house attended by Joe Tidwell, All-Coast, and L. J. Kerschen, who is staying on as manager at the facility now called All-Coast Forest Products. Inc. Denver Distribution Center.

Remember Me?

Inactive customers may be your least expensive and most productive prospects for lead generation programs. Past business also offers an excellent opportunity for additional lead and sales activitv.

8O Attend Nikkel/ DG Reunkrn

More than 80 former employees of R. F Nikkel Lumber Co. and its successor, DG Shelter Products, attended a reunion in Sacramento, Ca., on Nov. 9.

Dubbed the Nikkel/DG reunion, the cocktail party and buffet dinner at the Hilton Hotel attracted employees from the past 36 years including some who joined the original company in 1954.

BEUill0N: former employees attending the Nikkel-DG reunion: (ll Bob Nikkel, Al Forsland, Lorraine Frank. l2l Ted & Vivian Lewis, Bill Hanrahan, Al Forsland. l3l Betty A George Kavooras. l4l Neil Hagen & Barbara Tolleson. [5] Joe Bambino, El Louise Waldron, Marge Nikkel.

W" sincerely appreciate your patronage throughout the year and recognize the role it played in making 1990 another successful year for Weber Plywood and Lumber Company. lt shows that quality and service really do make a difference. With thanks & best wishes for the New Year...

Riflemen Fire On Mill

Two rifle-toting juveniles have been arrested and charged with spraying Bohemia Inc.'s Grass Valley, Ca., mill and shop building with gunfire.

About 15 rounds of .22 caliber bullets were fired, riddling the metal buildings with holes, knocking out a large yard light and causing approximately $700 in damages, said resource manager Larry Rieger.

While no one was hurt during the 5:30 p.m. incident Nov. 5, employees were present. "We had about five guys hitting the deck," Rieger said. "The bullets were coming in through the walls and ricocheting around in there."

After a summer of log spiking, log trucks being shot at and loggers being chased off their land, Bohemia initially suspected "eco-hooligans."

But, after a similar attack on a nearby construction project, two suspects were nabbed. "Apparently two kids got hold of a rifle and didn't realize that people were around," said the Nevada Countv Sheriff's Department.

New Manville Asbestos Phn

Manville Corp., Denver, Co., and asbestos victims' lawyers have devised a new trust fund pay out plan based on severity of illness rather than date of filing.

The plan awaits approval by U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein, who

The Merchant Magazine ordered the fund restructured after it ran out ofcash having paid 23,000 of 170,000 claimants and handed out IOU's until 2015.

The new settlement boosts Manville's contributions by $520 million, makes partial payments to pay those with cancer and other major illnesses first, and limits lawyers' shares to a maximum of 25o/o of each settlement.

Weinstein is expected to make his decision on the plan early next year, after holding "fairness" hearings across the country.

Protestors include less seriously injured victims and other companies that manufactured asbestos. Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp., both a codefendaht and beneficiary in the case, blasted the proposal as "a disaster," arguing attorneys specifically representing co-defendants should be appointed to the lawyers'committee.

(Continued .liom page 24)

Palmer Lumber Co., Chehalis, where manager Jim Pruitt said they were "high and dry;" Bellingham Sash & Door, Bellingham, where flooding was relatively light with "no problems," according to manager Joe Orem.

Copeland Lumber Yards opera- tions in both Stanwood and Arlington reported "no flood damage."