10 minute read
Bruce Hardwood History
f N taS+ Edward Lawson Bruce lopened a lumber yard in Kansas City, Ks., and laid the foundation for what is now Bruce Hardwood Floors. A series of natural disasters only inspired the determined Bruce to expand his enterprise and set a pace for his familv to follow.
Story at a Glance
A quick look at the 94-year history of a major hardwood company . . despite changes and challenges it survives as a widely regarded factor in the hardwood business.
Throughout the years, as hardwood became the predominant flooring material in new home construction, Bruce promoted the popularity of his product by constantly improving its quality.
Family-owned and operated, Bruce was organized in 1912 as the Kansas City Hardwood Flooring Co. Two years later the firm was moved to Little Rock and renamed E. L. Bruce for its founder. The opening of a new facility in Memphis, Tn., in 1921 the industry's largest hardwood flooring plant, established the company's leadership position.
Known for strip oak flooring that became standard in new home construction, the growing firm also produced furniture parts, doors, hardwood paneling, flooring for freight trucks and railroad cars and floor care products.
In 1968, the Federal Housing Administration began guaranteeing home loans in which the mortgage included wall-to-wall carpeting. This, coupled with declines in new home construction, dealt a tough blow to the hardwood flooring industry.
As a result, companies like E. L. Bruce were handed a new challenge: Develop a product that could compete with carpeting in its ease of installation and upkeep. Bruce set out to meet that challenge. Late in 1968, the company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Memphis-based Cooke and Co.
Today, innovative product engineering, increased new home construction, growing interest in home remodeling and the back-to-nature mood of the country have revitalized the hardwood flooring industry.
In keeping with its posture as an industry leader, Bruce Hardwood Floors, now a Dallas-based Division of Triangle Pacific Corporation, continues to further position its product as a beautiful and functional home decorating option.
Historical Highlights
1884 - E. L. Bruce opens lumberyard in Kansas City.
1903 - Flood destroys lumberyard. Bruce rebuilds.
1905 - Flood strikes again. Bruce rebuilds and establishes Kansas City Hardwood Flooring Co.
l9l2 - Fire razes Kansas City Hardwood Flooring.
l9l4 - E. L. Bruce moves flooring business to Little Rock, Ak. and his four sons join the business.
l92l - In Memphis, E. L. Bruce builds the industry's largest plant, with the capacity to produce $ I million of oak flooring yearly.
1927 - Bruce Research Laboratory established to combat growing termite threat.
1930 - Bruce answers termite problem with national introduction of "Terminix."
1944 - E. L. Bruce dies at 89.
1958 - Bruce expands into wall paneling with purchase of Walsh plant in Memphis.
1962 - Assumes production of half the nation's maple floors (gymnasiums, schools and bowling alleys) with purchase of Robins Flooring Co.,Ishpeming, Mi.
1968 - FHA challenges hardwood flooring business by guaranteeing home loans with mortgage that includes wall-to-wall carpeting. Bruce becomes wholly-owned subsidiary of grain and cotton oriented Cook & Co.
1974 - E. L. Bruce, Jr., last family member to head the company, dies. J. E. Rainey, of Cooke & Co., becomes president.
1977 - Triangle Pacific Corp. purchases E. L. Bruce Co. Bruce Hardwood Floors moves Hq. to Dallas.
Rod Booh rorrlcr glvo you r LulrlBERllEl{S REn) BOOK
Manufacturing at our Rialto plant includes decking, overhang, paneling, fascia and resawn boards.
Direct shipments, carloads, truck & trailer.
190 North Willow, Rialto, Ca.92376 {714} 874-3100
SINCE 1876YOURCOMPLETE GUIDE. . lumbermen$ red b00k $Grulcc
The Lumbermens Red Book llstsall producers, wholesalers, retailers of lumber and wood products of any kind, and. all manufacturers ofwood furniture, cabinets and millworkmobile homes, prefab houses and modular unitswood recreational products, sportsware and toys - boxes, crates, pallets and industrial productsand all other products using wood in any form.
A Red Book llstlng showsthe exact business name - complete address, including meyer.Etilus: $146.2!quarterty D; r $292.50 semicnnudly LJ; $585.00 annualv U . I Please send more inbmatbn, wifputoUlgdtm tr
P.O. Box and ZIP CODE!concise description of what the business does - special data such as location of purchadng departmontthe tinancial strength rating (not alone the net worth, but what is available to credltors)the exact payment rating (how lt pays: prompt, slow, very slow).
A Red Book credit rating is accurete, because the man who assigned it is a speclallst in the field we cover. His rating allows you to make an immedlat6 decision!
I agree completely with Bruce Trachtenberg's article on Alaska, /see The Merchant, May, p. 22) and particularly on his treatment of HR 39, the Udall/Sieberling sponsored biU that ties up over a hundred million acres of Alaskan land as wilderness.
The reason for my letter, aside from registering my support, is to elaborate a little on what I have observed as to the majority view of Alaskans.
I travel pretty extensively in the state from Barrow to Ketchikan and opposition to HR 39 is better than 2Q to I among our customers and friends. Most of these people are native Alaskans or longtime residents. Virtually all are preservationists; ap- proximately I in 20 is an environmentalist.
I find, too, that the environmentalist is trying to presewe outdoor wilderness for &ls progeny. He knows that few Alaskans will be able to offord to use wilderness areas because restrictions on motor vehicles will mean that much gear and time wrTl be required by the user of the area.
And I suppose some political benefit will be derived to the various environmental groups that are lobbying and spending huge sums of money to convince America of our "need".
I believe, as does Mr. Trachtenberg, that some wilderness must be saved. If we concentrate it in l/l0th the area HR 39 wants, Alaska will still have more wilderness available than any other state in the union. And it will only be available to a very limited population plus the very few who have the interest and the wealth and the time to view this country.
I also maintain that there will be virtually millions of these acres that will never be enjoyed by anyone except our Government Protectors if HR 39 is passed; yet you and I will be taxed for the privilege of having this area available - area that our nation could use now for resource develop- ment and area that the State of Alaska desperately will need soon to support its economic needs,
We pride ourselves in America on doing things in a big way. In the case of HR 39 I believe no one can visualize just ftow blg a boondoggle we would create: But boondoggle it would be, and future generations would foot most of the bill although the state of Alaska would pay the dearest price immediately.
Ken Gohrick
Alaska Sales Department Palmer G. Lewis Co., Inc. Auburn, Wa. 98002
Page I l, July issue, a correction.
San Pedro Lumber Company was incorporated January 8, 1883. The property which is shown in the magazine was purchased by F. P. Hooper in 1882. Among the incorporators of San Pedro Lumber Co., in addition to F. P. and John A. Hooper, was John Dolbeer, Dolbeer{arson, Eureka; William C. Talbot, Pope and Talbot, Seatfle; C. F. A. Talbot, Pope and Talbot, San Francisco; A. W. Jackson, Puget Mill Company.
Directly across the channel from San Pedro Lumber Co. was the Southern California Lumber Co., incorporated in 1902, also a Hooper affiliate. Also in 1902 the following lumber companies were affiliated with headquarters at Second and San Pedro Streets in Los Angeles . . . San Pedro Lumber Co.. Southern California Lumber Co., L. W. Blinn Lumber Co., Russ Lumber and Mill Company and Davies-Henderson Lumber Co.
If you need any more history on the lumber business I can take you back to Bangor, Maine and the year I 828.
With kind regards.
Albert B. McKee, Jr. 2360 Huntington Drive, Suite 202 San Marino, Ca. 91108
55d a word, min. 25 words (25 words = $13.75). Phone number counts as one word. Ads with border $3.50 extra. Headline or centered type $3.50 extra. Box numbered ads are $3.50 extra. Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address all
PRODUCTWE lumber salesman needed to cover S.F. Bay Area, all species. Send resume with complete information. All replies will be held in strictest confidence' Send replies marked "Personal" to Denny Hess. Bracut Intemational. P.O. Drawer 477c), Arcata, Ca. 95521. A meeting will be arranged to discuss territory and commission.
replies to box number shown in ad in care of The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92650. Make checks payable to The Merchant Magazine. Mail copy to above address or call (714) 549-8393. Deadline for copy is t}:.e 22nd of the month.
Help Wanted Help Wanted For Lease Wanted
EXPERIENCED LUMBERMEN. Positions available inside and outside. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. Contact Donald Brown, Terry Building Centers. 18551 Oxnard, Tanana, Ca' 91356. (2r3) 34s-2223.
EXPERIENCED CABINET specialty salesman to the home center trade in Southern California and Arizona. Responsible for marketing, training, display and service of PWP Cabinetry. Salary commensurate with experience, plus commission. Contact Bob Howard, Davidson Plywood and Lumber, P.O. Box 4996, Carson, Ca. 90749, or call (2r?) 54q-1600
EXPERIENCED RETAIL building material employee for S,J. Valley independent. Clerkilg, estimating, and some buying duties, hefer building/technical oriented. Responsible, permanent, good character references only. Partnership buy-in possible. Evenings (209) 8264290, or write Fred, Builders Lumber Co.. P.O. Box 1445, Los Banos, Ca.93635.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for experienced lumber traders. Excellent commission plan plus liberal fringe benefits. Get in on the ground floor with a first rate company. Deluxe working conditions in Newpod Beach, Ca. Call Ken Gagne, Delta Forest Products, (714) 6404841.
MANAGER for retail building materials yard in Lake Almanor area. Unusual opportunity to live and work in one of northern California's finest areas. Must be thoroughly experienced in building material lsfaililg, and possess proven management ability. Contact Murf Karns, Collins Pine Co., P.O. Box 796, Chester, Ca. 96020 or call (916) 2s8-2111.
SALESPERSON for phone and countei sales at retail. hardware and lumber sales company. Contact John Harmer at Southland Lumber Supply Co., 8710 Aviation Blvd., Inglewood, Ca. 90301 (213) 776' 3530.
MULTISTATE full-line building materials distributor; Intermountain region; salary open; mail tesume', including references. Reply c/o The Merchant Magazine, Box279.
SALESMAN WANTED for San Fernando Valley, Ca. Salary, car expense, medical, profit sharing. Contact George Wilson (213) 750-3000, Ray Hill Lumber, Box 43126, Los Angeles, Ca.90043.
A LEADING CALIFORNIA wholesaler/ remanufacturer is expanding its' sales efforts into new product lines. We are seeking experienced petsonnel in the following areas: (l) Redwood Products Manager; (2) Sales Manager - No. California: (3) General Sales Manager. Please reply in confidence to: South Bay Forest Products, Jim Frodsham - Orange Division, (714) 637-5350 or Ron Lewman - Healdsburg Divisjon, (707) 433-3313.
Wanted To Buy
3x4 AND WIDER and 4x4 and wider twisted and weathered Douglas Fir S4S. Call Wm. Hunter. Hunter Woodworks, (213) 775 2544 or (213) 835-5671.
WANTED TO BUY - Perfect, clean copy of The Merchant Magazine, (1 ea.) May, 1975 and Aug.,1977. Call Collect, (714) s49-8393.
STETSON ROSS A-20 8"x15" with large number extra heads and profile arbors, 100 hp blower system, grinding room I 1,000 sq. ft. sprinklered building. Shavings bin all blacktopped area with rail siding and hoe nearbv. Plentv of room tor other machires. M6nthly iental $3,300 to $5.800 net depending on additional acreage required. Long lease available. Operating fersonnel heie. Call Mead Kibbey (916) 4516571 days.
BRACUT INTERNATIONAL, which remodelled its retail store into a 10 room office, which it now occupies, offers its former of{ices for lease. 5 rooms, 2-baths, fully carpeted. Curly redwood, various pine paneling. Acreage available for yard lpace. Carloading and truck loading faciliiies available. Ideal for Northern California buying office. If interested, call or write: Denny Hess, P.O. Drawer 4779, Arcata, Ca. 95521 or (707) 822-3648.
For Sale
CARRIERS for sale. Avai]rle for inspection at Fort Bragg, Ca.. 1500 each. -1965 Serial # 640005, 1964 :rial # 640003, 1964 Serial # 650003. (707) 9646377.
Price Reduced
1977 KENWORTH TRUCK model K-100 with Reliance trailer. Operated less than six rnonths, only 40,000 miles. Engine Cat 3406PCTA. Call Ld Fountain Sr. (213) 5 83-t 38 l.
San Francisco
EUILDIt\IG MATERIA[S-PAINT.HARDWAEE_ETC. sAsH.000Bs-wil\t0owsjrit0ut0[{Gs lVacBeath Hardwood.
American LumberSpecies, Inc..
Bel-Air 0oor Co.
GeorgilPaciticCorp. ...
Higgins Lumber Co.. J.E.
Lamon Lumber Co.
Pacific Lumber Co.
Paramino Lumber Co, RolandoLumberCo.,lnc. ...,.. ..
Wending Nathan Co.
Valley Products Co.
Bonnington Lumber Co. Geor0ia-PacilicCorp.
GeorgiaPacific Corp. {San Jose}
Georgia.Pacif ic Corp. Redwood)
Globe International
CaryedDoors,lnc. Carroll lVloulding Co.. Charley'sFenceCo.
California Lumber Inspection S8ruice
California RedwoodAssn..
Calilornia Retail HardwareAssn. ., Gearmore, Inc. Redwood InspectionSeryice.
TheCommonwealth Group.. . .
LJnion Pacilic Railroad
LarrySridhamTrucking Co..
Cal.Pacific Manufacturinq...
Costa Truckinq Co.. .(800) 8624959
Mission FenceSupplv Co.. ., Reid & Wriqht Simpson Buildinq SuoDlv Co.
Sinpson Timberto.
Twin Harbon Lumber Co. {DF & Rdw) - -
Two 0x Traders.
Paul Bunvan Lumber Co.
CATPE LLA lvlasonite Western Lumber Civ.
Bowman Lumbersales....
G&R Lumber Co..
Kinton Div. (Rolando Lumber)
Bounds LumberCo. (i07) 4334816
Two 0x Traden.
Crane Mills.
Doug Grant Truck Transportation
Schmidbauer Lumber Co.
Pacific Wood Preseryinq Corp..
Sequoia Supplv
Georoia-Pacific Cor0. {Redwood).
Niesen-Ward Foresf Products
Crown RedwoodCo (i07) i25-3908
Georqia-Paci{ic Warehouse.
Lum6er Dealers Materials Co..
Pacific Forest Products. lnc..
P.R.0.0. Wh0lesale 0istributors Standard Structures. lnc..
Pacific lndustries {Lbr.l.
Al Peirce Co..
American Mill & Manulactuirno.
Beachwood ForsstProducts..
Brush lndustrial Div. (MacBeath) oslta Fotgst Products, Inc. . lir & Pine Lumber Co
Capital Lumber Co..
Cardwell ForestProducts ., Carroll Mouldinq C0...
Connor LumbeiSales,lnc..
0. E. D006, Inc.
Delaney Sash and Door Co.
Ear West Fir Sales.
HANDLII{G Al{D S}IIPPING CARBIEBS fremont ForestProducts
[reeman&Co.,SrephenG....... -.
Georgia-Pacific Cgrp.. u0r0rnq_LUmDor sales uuenn transponattonuo...,..
H+M Wholesale Lumber, Inc.
Intand Lumberc0.. (it4) 783-0021
Inland Lumber Co. (nollwoodCorp.....
Marquart.Wolls Lumber Co.. (714) 998-1212
National Softwood Sales, Inc..
Warehouse PacificStatesTransport Stanline,
. : : : : :
American Mill & Nlanufacturing, Eaker Hardwood
F.ost Hardwood Lumber Co.
Georgia.Pacific Corp
H&M Wholesale Lumber Co,,
Inland Lumber Co.
Stanline, Inc.
LanestantonVance Lumber Co.. . - fS$I-$..-q!i8iitl$*!ili+$li1:i:114i;.gliitii$iilif,-tii:iiiif,l$t:$'lltiiil$llE#.tiEll:1li.tlliltiLil:i:riililtfr#fif
Virqinia Hardwood Lumber Co..
Pacific Northwest States