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E.J. JOHNSON executive vice president

? HE 37TH Arizona lrgislature's second I regular session convened on Monday' Jan. 13, with the "state of the state" address by Govemor Bruce Babbitt. His remarks were mostly concemed with the state's environmental problems, specifically water and air quality relating to growth. He also placed special emphasis upon the continuing care and education of our young people. The address was his eighth and last as govemor. His decision not to run for re-election has caused a series of chain event type decisions by other political enthusiasts which constitutes the real fireworks of the local political scene.

With the Democratic govemor's chair up for grabs, it is expected that the long time house majority leader Burton Barr, and generally recognized Republican Power Boss, will soon announce for the job. He will face one of four announced Democratic candi

Northwest News

(Continued from page 26) large; Mick Bush, executive committee; Gordon Gerretsen, NLBMDA director; Gordon Marson, insurance/pension trustee.

A. H. "Ike" Parker was presented a plaque for his three years of service as national di- dates, two of whom will undergo a real slug fest just for the opportunity "to reach the finals." The local fireworks are made even better as the culrent state senate president isn't running for re-election either, which opens his district seat to the cunent house speaker, who has long aspired to join the upper chamber. This move in tum will mean that the whole leadership of the Republican controlled house will see new faces. Space would never permit me to discuss the intricate maneuvering already underway by "the other inmates of the local zoo." The Republicans, however, are a certainty to retain their edge in calling the shots in the house as their majority numbers have been so large in recent years that even they have internal problems in dealing with their own splinter factions.

Almost in the words of Bugs Bunny's "that's not all, folks," the situation in the Arizona senate is like that of musical chairs. The overall Republican edge of 18 members to the Democrat's 12 will likely remain, although the leadership in both parties will also rector to NLBMDA. Ansel Hyland was given an honorary membenhip in WBMA upon his retirement.

WBMA 40 Year Club certificates were presented to Lorna Knoll, Knoll Lumber & Hardware Co., Kenmore, Wa.; Roger Conrad, W. J. Conrad Lumber Co., Coos Bay, Or.; Ross Shutts, Milwaukie Lumber Co., Milwaukie, Or.: Raymond H. Snyder, Snyder Lumber Co., Inc., Enterprise, Or.: mean new faces. The Republicans on their part have an intemal split between conservatives and moderates and also between populous Maricopa (Phoenix) County and lesser populated Pima (Tircson) County. In Arizona, that's a big split in most all issues. The 12 Democrats also face problems between their more liberal metropolitan members and their rather conservative rural fellows who often vote with the Republican majority. The whole mafter is almost a replay of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on fi$t and what's on second?"

To those who don't have an interest in Arizona politics or with our legislative rpalities, the foregoing may seem like "much ado about nothing." To those of us, however, who must endure the outpouring of legislative endeavors, good and bad, we are faced with participation by necessity! Thus, all of the parts of the legislative puzzle must be recognized and understood lest the nature of the beast does one in.

Oh, in talking about who's cooking up the legislation, I almost forgot to talk about the menu-a real alphabet soup of air qualitybudget-children-drunk driving-educationfamily welfare-government interventionhealth care-insuance-money-prisons-ad infinitum!! (The soap opera 'Arizona" continues in the next issue.)

Don't forget to put the dates of May 7-10 on your calendar for the ALBSA convention at the Radisson Hotel Centennial, Mesa, Az.

Harold Woodin, Lumber Market, Inc.,Renton. Wa.

District meetings for 1986 will include a video presentation of "The One Minute Manager" for owners/managers/supervisors. For all employees a course in home construction technology and terminology will be taught by Dick Anderson, WBMA training consultant. In 1985, 594 persons attended district meetings.

Producers Of Fine Cedar Products

P.O. Box 389 Gold Bar, Wa.98251 (206) 793-1135

Two Mill Locations: GOLDBAR - for sidings-bevel, channel & other products

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L-P Plants Decertified

The National Labor Relations Board has issued official decertifications for five California operations of LouisianaPacific Corp. This decision brings the total number of decertified L-P plants to 14, following strikes by two lumber workers' unions in 1983. The decertifications resulted from elections conducted by the NLRB in 1984. Decertification means that a union loses its right to represent anployees in the particular facility involved in the decertification election.

The facilities involved in this decision are located in Big Lagoon, Samoa, Carlotta, Cloverdale and Fremont, Ca. The Fremont facility, a distribution center, was sold by L-P early last year. Employees in all of the facilities affected by this decision had previously been represented by Local 259 of the Lumber Production and Industrial Workers Union.

Decertification elections have been conducted at fow other L-P plants, but official results have not yet been issued by the NLRB.

WesternSoftwoods, Mouldings & Millwork Agrieulturat Wood ProduGts, Pl5nuood, Particleboard

LIIMBER: Paul Anderson. Robert Glatt, division mgr., Jim Haas.

MILLUIORK: Richard H. Mills

We are also pleased to be a West Coast area distributor for CF&I steel products as well.

BERGER & COMPANY aCn, ta Conagra company.l JAgr'ra IS AN INTERNATIONAL AE COMMODITIES TRADING ORGANZATION WITH OFFICES IN: San Francisco, Ca. (headquarters): Chicago, Il.; Colfax, Wa.; Fargo, N.D.; Filer, Id.; Grand Cayman, British West Indies: Santiago, Chile; London, England; Geneva, Switzerland: Nicosia, Cyprus: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Moose Jaw, Canada; and Taipei. Taiwan.