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Treated edar shingles

THE AVAILABILITY of fi re-treated I cedar shakes and shingles, flrst tested by Underwriters Laboratories nearly 20 years ago, continues to open up vast new design opportunities for architects and builders throughout the United States, as well as sales for dealers.

This is parlicularly significant in areas where cedar roofs have long reigned as the outstanding choice for residential and low-rise commercial construction.

UL approval, which came after l0 years of testing, enables the use of cedar on residential and./or commercial buildings which -- because ofsize, location, oroccupancy -- are mandated by local building codes to have a Class B or C flre-retardant roof.

The Underwriters' test, known as UL-790, is recognized by the International Conference of Building Officials as UBC Standard 32-7. All Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau member pressure-ffeaters meet the requirements of UBC Standard 32-7.

Virgil G. Peterson, manager of the bureau, trade association for the industry, explains, "The only shakes or shingles which meet UL requirements are bundle-impregnated by pressure processes. At this time the bureau is not aware of any paint-on or spftry-on fire retardants that are pennanent and not subject to re-application."

"Weather-exposed sections of cedar shakes and shingles underwent a rigor- ous and unprecedented series of tests by Underwriters Laboratories at intervals of one, two, three, five and ten years, after which the product was deemed permanent," he continued. "The permanence of the heatment later was confirmed by the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory after a decade of rigorous testing. Moreover, the inherent benefits of this natural product - beauty, durability, strength and texture -- have not been adversely affected by the treatment."

Story at a Glance

Capability of satasfying fire rctardant roof standards makes shingles and shakes good sellers...architectural adaptability and design qualities are added benefits...support for dealers available from association.

Commenting on the cost of the treated product, Peterson said: "Several years ago treating nearly doubled the price on shakes and shingles. However, increased competition and advancements in technology among treating companies hav.e reduced costs approximately 5OVo.

For further information on either treated or ruttural shingles and shakes, contoct: Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau, 515 l|6th Avenue, N.E., Suite 275, Belletae, WA 98AX; QM) 453-1323.-ed.