1 minute read

Gronq,*PngncREunruoDLtnnBER. NornINc BgrrER Ul,unEn Tnn S[JN,

Sunshine. And a cool breeze offthe Pacific. Those are two of the tools Georgia-Pacific uses to S-dry Common and Rustic gades of redwood at our Ft. Bragg mill in northem Califomia.

But sometimes Mother Nature needs a little help. So we also use pre-dryers, dry kilns and other modem facilities to assure consistent quality in our certified, kiln-dried Bee, Clear and Clear all-heartgades.

Plus, were members of the Califomia Redwood Association and the Redwood Inspection Service. So our gade stamp is your assurance of quality from the people who know redwood best.

Our Ft. Bragg facility is a full-service Douglas Fir mill, too. And that means one call can get you two of the best products Georgia-Pacific-and Mother Naturehave to offer.

Call today: 7071964-0281. For redwood quality you can build on.

H0MES in all locations, both single fumily and multi, seem more in harmonv with their surrounding when clad with red ctidar shingles and shakes. Fire treatment makes such use permissible in areas with fire retardant roof mandates.