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Longleal Wood Fes erving

CCA lYpe G Pressure l?eating of Kiln Dried Southern Yellow Pine

* We have a facility with a 120 million board

* We offer a minimum of three retention foot annual capacity. levels of treatmenl .25, .4O and .60.

* we feature the highest quality manufactured

* Kiln drying after treatment is available' Southern Pine available in the market.

* We have a timber surfacer capable of surfacing timbers up to 16" x24" and

* we are members of the AWpB and feature lengths up to 30'. the Cloverleaf "No Q^uestion" Mark, proof

* We maintain a working inventory in excess of quality on all our CCA treated products. of 12 million board feet of which-a minimum of 3 million is treated.

* we offer a thoroughly kiln dried, highest ^^

* we offer truck and rail shipments. quality agricultural fence post or landscape ' timber, marketed under the trade name tl We specialize in long dimension and timbers.

* We offer straight as well as specified Duraposlru. length shipments.