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co.,".i,,g Arabama, Frorida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, the Carolinas, Tennessee and Virginia.

Florida Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association, Inc., is polling its members with a questionnaire to determine if it is feasible to add advertising assistance to its membership services.

Under consideration is a program which would aid retailer members in producing sales tabloids and catalogs as well as other advertisements. The service would be provided by an outside company.

FLBMDA has acquired a dealer training videotape developed by the American Plywood Association which is available for loan to members.

Mississippi Building Material Dealers Association, Inc. is completing last minute arrangements for the 6lst annual convention and building prod- ucts trade show, Feb. 19-21 at the Roval D'lberville Hotel, Biloxi.

Yirginia Building Material Association's education committee under the chairmanship of John Spencer, Lambert Building Supply, Lexington. has developed a continuing education program.

Next on the schedule is a "Drug Abuse In The Workplace" seminar Feb. I I in Manassas. The program witl be repeated Feb. 25 in Richmond and March l8 in Portsmouth.

Seminar leader will be Patrick O'Hare who has spent 26 years in the criminal justice system. At present he is program head and counselor of the administration of justice program at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond.

Producto Dlgcd

Keith K. Luis. author of the Lumber Tech home study courses, will present information on how to sell more building materials for more money later in the year. Mid-October will bring a security seminar. All programs are open to nonmembers as well as members.

Building Mrrerid Merchants Associetion of Georgie end Alebut will conduct basic training seminars on Feb. 15-17 and March 15-17 ar rheir heidquarters in Austell, Ga.

The buying show which was in progress at presstime, Jan. 30-31, will be oovered in a later issue of Building Products Digest.


Check out our Calendar on Nge 18 for information on uryoming conventions, meetings and trade shows in your region.