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Products-ln-Use Displays Sell More Ced

put the cedar where theY can see it, and touch it.

Pretty pictures in a magazine or brochure may prompt a homeowner or a designer to consider using cedar products. But when they actually see the beautiful range of color variations from heartwood to sapwood, and touch a wall of surfaced or textured cedar paneling, that's when they'll be sold.

Displays shouldn't be limited to the lumber department. To Promote the uses ofwestern red cedar indoors and outdoors, use some tight-knotted boards as a background for gardening tools, or some surfaced, Vgroove paneling for a disPlaY of bathroom fixtures.

Another favorite use of cedar products is in the kitchen, offering a myriad of display opportunities and design ideas. A wall faced with a selection of cedar paneling sizes and patterns can set off a display of lighting fixtures. There is another whole series of cedar siding patterns and sizes that can be used to set off outdoor or garden displays.

The versatility of board paneling or siding, as compared to sheet goods, can be illustrated with products applied vertically, horizontally, in herringbone patterns or with inset accents such as diamonds or squares. Gazebos or other outdoor structures can be constructed in various areas, for sales consultation booths, as special display centers, or just for customers to relax in. A corner area can be set off with cedar fencing and decking, and used to display outdoor furniture or barbecue supplies.

Some dealers and distributors set aside a room for entertaining customers, or for community use, and use the walls as a colorful showcase of the hundreds of cedar products and patterns that are available.

The display applications of western red cedar are limited only by the imagination, but when cedar Products are on the wall where theY can seen and touched, they'll be sold.

Building Products Digest

Rock. Ar., part of its acquisition of .Superv:ood Inc.. Duluth. Mn. . . . Louisiona-Pacilichas acquired a mill in Jasper, Tx.. l'rom Ov'ens-lllinois