1 minute read

Editor's Note

Ever heard the adage, start before you're ready? Boy, are we living it here!

BUILD was always something I had dreamt of starting. The idea of creating an accelerator of sorts for women-owned businesses in the informal sector was particularly exciting for me. Growing up in what would be classified a "previously disadvantaged community" I have seen many women start out businesses to help supplement the income for their households Not much thought is given to these entities as serious business operations Always shrugged off as a "side hustle, pass-time, hobby, project" - you get the idea.


This needed to change. A lot needed to change, but especially this. Our use of language and our implied perception of these small businesses has created a culture of deeming these entities insignificant.

On the 14th of March 2023, BUILD hosted a workshop consisting mainly of women-owned businesses operating informally. The first step toward shattering these glass ceilings is to understand that they exist. Convening a group of women who want to learn, challenge and grow is as good a starting point as any.

You can read more about what the workshop was about in this issue

So, have I started? Yes! Am I ready? Absolutely not, but I am certainly ready to roll up my sleeves and start making a change!

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