4 minute read

In Memoriam

successful business that is now known as Briscombes. He remained until his passing a man revered for his property knowledge.

John married Joyce in July 1981 and they had two wonderful children, Chris (1999-2006) and Katie. He took great pride in his children and granddaughters, Rae and Melia, born to Katie and her husband Chris. John never lost his joker streak. Even at sad times he could lighten the mood. When his close friend, Andy, was in the Critical Care Unit after being knocked down, he played a trick on the daughter of another close friend who was waiting with them for news of Andy’s plight. The young lady looked down to see some teeth on her thigh. John had taken his false teeth out and placed them there. She totally freaked out but it had everyone else laughing at such a sad time prior to Andy’s passing. John hated hospitals. This became evident when one of his friends suffered a depressed cheek and broken nose playing for the Old Boltonians. John rushed to Bolton Royal Infirmary, took one look at his mate’s injuries and fainted. Thankfully, the next bed was vacant and he came around lying there. The nurses politely suggested that in future John should stay away at visiting time. When John had a heart scare a few years ago he became teetotal and immediately stopped smoking. He was an active participant in the cardiac rehabilitation programme and was determined to try to stay healthy. Unfortunately, bowel cancer was diagnosed four years ago requiring radiotherapy, major surgery and chemotherapy. Never once did John complain about any investigations or treatment. He was prepared to accept everything thrown at him. The last nine months, though, were particularly difficult for him, Joyce and the family, as he was repeatedly in and out of hospital. They thought he would be home for Christmas, but, after taking a sudden turn for the worse, he died peacefully, aged 67, surrounded by his friends and loving family on 12th December 2021. St Mark’s Church, Worsley, was packed for John’s funeral, including many Bolton School friends who appreciated his steadfast loyalty and friendship. JE Marginson (1963-1971) and DJ Walker (1966-1973)


Alan Walmsley (1936-1949)

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Alan on 16th December 2021; he had celebrated his 90th birthday earlier in the year. Alan’s long association with the School started when he entered Beech House in 1936 and progressed through Park Road and onto the Senior School. He tells a story of his first week in the Senior School: whilst going to the toilet block an air raid warning sounded and as he emerged he was shocked to discover that everyone had disappeared, leaving him alone in the empty School. It was only later, once the all clear was sounded, that he realised everyone had retreated into the School’s air raid shelter. Despite this dramatic start he had many happy years at Bolton School and this was where some of his early interests such as philately, aero modelling and the Bolton School Scout Troop began, all of which continued well into his adult life. After leaving School, he qualified as an Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, winning the Royal Manchester Institution silver medal for art that same year. He remained in Bolton and joined Greenhalgh and Williams Chartered Architects, becoming a partner in 1965 and staying until his retirement in 1991. In 1958 he married Marjorie and they had three children: Peter, Carol and Tony, who, with much pride to Alan, also attended Bolton School. Alan attended school with Roger Kirk, who played a major role in the School Scouting organization, and Alan himself was active with the Scout Troop during the period that his sons were members. It was with great delight and enthusiasm that he took part in a number of the Tom Markland Gang Shows, singing Riding Along on the Crest of a Wave at any opportunity. Alan had long and close links with the School which carried on well into his later life still; he attended anniversaries, celebrations and the regular lunches until only a few years ago when mobility and health issues got the better of him. With his background in architecture (specialising in schools, hospitals and churches) he always took particular interest in the new building developments at the School. Alan and Marjorie were keen travellers, which he attributed to his interest in geography inspired whilst at School, and their tally of countries visited over the years exceeded 60. He was always proud of his long association with Bolton School and will be sadly missed. Peter (1971-1978), Carol (1973-1980) and Tony Walmsley (1975-1982)

L Raymond Cardwell (1948-1953) – Died December 2021 Chris Ecob (Class of 1976) – Died 11th August 2021 John Harold Fielding (1958-1965) – Died 14th December 2021 Jeremy ‘Sid’ Lomax (1949-1959) – Died 22nd December 2021 An article on Sid’s life was published in the Autumn 2021 edition of The Bugle. Peter John Stapleton (1953-1961) – Died Died 27th June 2021 Peter Turner (Class of 1951) – Died 24th January 2022 Graham Slater Worrall (1943-1949) – Died February 2022