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Alumni Examine Brexit

On Tuesday 8th June Alumni and other members of the School community enjoyed debating ‘The UK’s Place in a Post-Brexit World’ at a virtual networking event held via Zoom. Old Boy Ravi Bhatiani (Class of 2001), the Executive Director of FETSA, The Federation of European Tank Storage Associations, and Old Girl Amanda Brooks, CBE (Class of 1989), Director General, Trade Negotiations at the Department for International Trade, were keynote speakers at the event, sharing their thoughts on the future of UK trade and international relations on the global stage before leading discussions between fellow guests in breakout rooms.


Ravi originally trained as a lawyer in the UK, specialising in EU and competition law, and, before joining FETSA, advised leading businesses and associations on their engagement with the EU. Through FETSA, he leads the engagement of the tank storage industry towards the EU bodies in Brussels, working on a wide range of (often controversial) EU policy and political topics. Prior to the event, Ravi was asked to reflect upon his time in the Boys’ Division and how this has helped him to achieve his ambitions. Although trips such as the German Exchange and the Trek Camps stand out as highlights, Ravi recalls enjoying every day he spent at School, thanks to his classmates and teachers. The building itself also helped to create a special atmosphere. Mr Hiepko inspired in him a love of German that he retains to this day. Ravi often remembers the words Mr Hiepko wrote on his final School report about what it takes to succeed – he has used this advice to help not only himself, but also others. Ravi believes that his experience at Bolton School has instilled in him three qualities which have stood him in good stead both personally and professionally: perseverance to work hard and keep at the task in hand, even if it is difficult; humility to treat people well and with respect, regardless of the background or situation; and a sense of loyalty developed through friendships with fellow pupils, relations with the staff, the values of the School and of his family – including his sister, Maya, who attended the Girls’ Division (1996-2003).

Cumbrian Conversation

With many of the lockdown restrictions still in place, unfortunately the annual Cumbria lunch was unable to take place this year. Instead, Old Boys and Old Girls chatted in a virtual ‘happy hour’. There was plenty to talk about, but all agreed they were looking forward to enjoying some proper Lake District hospitality at the Lindeth Howe Hotel, courtesy of Old Boy Stephen Broughton (Class of 1970), next Spring.

US Alumni Zoom In

Although many in-person events have had to be replaced with virtual ones, technology has actually enabled Old Boys and Old Girls living abroad to have more contact with School. A great example of this was the Zoom get-together with our US-based Alumni who welcomed the opportunity to chat and reminisce.

Allan Slimming (Class of 1974) chats with the Headmaster and Laura Firth, Director of Development and Alumni Relations

Old Boys’ Enjoy Lunch Again

Monday 13th September saw the first in-person gathering of Old Boys since the first lockdown!

There was a great turnout at the Old Boys’ Association Lunch. After important business was discussed at the Association’s AGM, there was lots of catching up to do and everyone was very pleased to have the opportunity to chat to old friends.

L-R: Treasurer Phil Riding (1965-1978), President Roy Battersby (1953-1961) and Secretary Jon Twist (1982-1992) oversee the AGM L-R: Peter Leather (1973-1980), Michael Griffiths (1958-1965), David Allen (Former Boys’ Division Staff) and Robin Magee (1953-1964) enjoy a catch-up

Recent Leavers Relish Reunion

After being deprived of their customary opportunity to return to School one year after leaving, members of the Classes of 2019 and 2020 were thrilled to be reunited with their classmates at a special reunion in September.

Our youngest Old Boys and Old Girls took part in a question and answer session in which current Year 13 pupils were able to get the lowdown on university life, the world of work and the pros and cons of taking a gap year. Afterwards there was a real buzz of excitement as everyone caught up with friends and former teachers.

Harry Round, Dominic Hardy, Shivam Patel, Tom Guest (all Class of 2019) Ben Turner, Nathan Donaldson, Adrian Zahir (Class of 2020) Safiyya Patel, Huma Azim, Hamzah Nathan Hayes, Babaria and Huzaifa Anwar (all Aden Stephenson Class of 2020) Harry Round, Joe Child, Cassia Drummond, Lorna Stirzacker, Issy Plant (Class of 2020)

Decade Reunion Delights

After having to shelve Alumni events for many months, it was fantastic to welcome leavers from 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010, along with former members of staff, back to School at the end of September. There was a wonderful atmosphere as Old Boys and Old Girls returned to reminisce, to see what has changed since they left – and what hasn’t! – and to enjoy a good old school dinner.

Richard Williams, Ben Williams, Jonathan Ishaque, Richard Bishop (all Class of 1990)

Graham Jackson, Simon Gatenby, David Keene (all Class of 1980) Bob Higson, Rob Haworth (both Class of 1970) Chris Mangham, David Keene, Graham Jackson (all Class of 1980)

Members of the Class of 1970 Members of the Class of 1980 Gareth Mawdesley, Jonathan Ishaque (Class of 1990)

Nicholas Fletcher, Alistair Cannon, Jonathan Evans, Michael Durbar (all Class of 2010)

Geoff Nicholls (Class of 1960), Kenneth Thomas (Class of 1960), Colin Appleton (Class of 1960), Peter Nightingale (Class of 1961), Roy Battersby (Class of 1961)