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Sid Lee X Au / Lab X Carrefour Alimentaire

Carrefound Solidaire’s “Serres de rue” is a Montreal project that seeks to explore sustainable ways to use urban land by transforming car shelters into passive solar greenhouses. The project, by Sid Lee X Au/Lab X Carrefour Alimentaire, encourages the growth of fresh produce during winter in densely populated neighborhoods and reimagines the place that cars take in our cities. Old traffic signs were repurposed to create a learning route along the greenhouses and gardening tools were built from the same materials. The city of Montreal has even allowed for the construction of three greenhouses on the public thoroughfare. The first few crops have been distributed among the lowincome communities and the project will continue to grow its vegetable output and organize more school visits.

Design Director: Marie-Elaine Benoit

AD: Jean-François Mayrand

Designers: Benjamin Lamingo, Charlotte Boisclair

CW: Thierry Faucher


Rejecting the standard 30-second PSA format to drive home its message, the Petro-Canada CareMakers Foundation (PCCF) launched the world’s first 24-hour PSA to highlight the struggle of Canada’s eight million family caregivers. The PSA, by McCann, followed a day in the lives of ten real family caregivers, detailing the struggles and triumphs of constant caregiving. The campaign included TV, OOH, online video and social media. The campaign led to a 53% increase in awareness of the issue of caregiving, a 64% increase in awareness of the PCCF, which was formed in 2020, and secured over $300,000 in donated media from partners.

CCO: Josh Stein

CD: Mike Shuman

CW: Aaron Peever

AD: Kyle Shields

SILVER: Television Single Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is a national, bilingual, 24/7 e-mental health service offering free and confidential support to any young person aged 5 to 29 in a moment of crisis or need. Its “Feel Out Loud” launch film, by McCann, depicts youth at school and at home. Rather than suppressing their emotions and dealing with them alone, the film - directed by Matilda Finn - positions Kids Help Phone as a safe environment to express feelings without fear of judgment, with the aim of improving physical and mental health and reducing the risk of suicide.

BRONZE: Direct

Tree Canada “Offset Mode” Rethink / Apply Digital

With all our online activity generating carbon emissions, Tree Canada’s “Offset Mode” allows people to track and offset their carbon footprint in real-time, with the aim of making it as easy as browsing or streaming. The free digital tool monitors a user’s download and upload volume to determine how much electricity they’re consuming, and then uses regional electric grid data to determine the type of electricity they’re using and the exact carbon emissions associated with it. Offset Mode, by Rethink and Apply Digital, enables users to offset those emissions at a cost of only a few cents per day. Since its launch just over a year ago, it’s been downloaded globally and, with microdonations, has offset more than 1.5 million streaming hours and 12,072 kg of CO2 within two months.

CCO: Aaron Starkman

ECDs: Leia Rogers, Morgan Tierney

CDs: Sean O’Connor, Hans Thiessen, Jake Hope Designer (Apply Digital): Daniela Valdes

BRONZE: Online


“Feel What We Feel” Grey Canada / TANK Worldwide

To raise funds for Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion, Razom, a non-profit organization, created “Feel What We Feel,” which drew inspiration from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s plea to Canadians for help. The campaign, by Grey Canada / TANK Worldwide, used familiar city landmarks - such as the CN Tower in Toronto and the Olympic Park in Montreal - and transformed them into battle ruins. QR codes transported users into the devastation of war. Given that humanitarian assistance was needed urgently, the campaign launched six weeks after Zelenskyy’s speech. Through the use of digital, 15-second TV, traditional and digital OOH, and social media, the campaign reached 231.5 million people in the first 24 hours and raised over $10 million in donations. The funds were used to provide Ukrainians with essential medical supplies, ambulances, rape kits, walkie-talkies and other resources.

CCO: Marty Martinez

ECD: Mark Mason

CWs: Krista Raspor, Benoît Losier, Craig Redmond

ADs: Mark Mason / Camilo Monzón Navas

Designer: Eve Trudel-Lévesque

BRONZE: Press Single Lifesaving Society “Battleship”


To convey the danger of drinking while boating, the Lifesaving Society created “Battleship.”

The ad, by LG2, features a single powerful image of a person floating beside an empty boat, save for a few empty cans, alongside a set of familiar words used in the classic naval combat game Battleship: Hit and sunk.

CCOs: Marc Fortin, Luc Du Sault

CD: Frédéric Tremblay

ADs: Mario Pesant, Philippe Leduc

CW: Guillaume Bergeron

Bobby Sahni | Ethnicity Matters