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As one of the three mandates of the Centre for Sport Capacity, student experiential education is an important factor in the operations of the CSC. The experiential opportunities available to students has grown from two in 2018 to more than 40 opportunities in February of 2022. This growth provides students with the opportunity to develop both soft and hard skills in areas such as communications, marketing, social media, and event management to name a few.

The Centre for Sport Capacity has a range of different experiential education opportunities available to undergraduate students and graduate students in any program. Opportunities include volunteer positions, placements, internships, coops, and course related service learning. In total, the CSC offers ten of Brock University’s experiential learning categories.

Sport management experiential education coordinator Michael Fawkes says that “experiential education is a key piece of the learning model; experiential learning goes beyond using what you have learned in the classroom and applying it into a work setting” says Fawkes. “Ideally, experiential learning is both a reflective and cultural undertaking where you can embrace your curiosity, present creative solutions to issues or ideas, and expand your knowledge of the industry.”