3 minute read

Movie Review: Becoming Warren Buffett

Think and Grow Rich is one of the most persuasive business books of all time. It’s a must read for anyone who is inspired to become an entrepreneur. The book, authored by Napoleon Hill, covers critical topics in areas of personal achievement to financial independence and to riches of the spirit beyond measurement in money. For instance, the first chapter of the book – Thoughts Are Things - contains a series of anecdotes where a person’s thoughts resulted into real world effects. The Author states that one should use deep Desire as a goal. Define that goal clearly, then set down a specific plan to get there. You should have Faith that the future holds better things for you. Chapter four,

Autosuggestion suggests that if you keep repeating your plan for success to yourself till your subconscious mind picks it up, it has a greater chance of actually coming true. Get education whether formal education or merely an education at the hands of a mentor is important to gain personal experience or observations as discussed in Specialized Knowledge. Imagination guides you on the ability to take a vague idea and transform it into something concrete. Transforming your idea into Actions require Organized planning, first and foremost, surrounding yourself with people or team that have knowledge and/or experience of how to go or have gone down the path you want to go. Then Take Decision – Take Actions, with Persistence to be where you want to be. “Think and grow rich” is “whatto-do and how-to-do-it” book, that can help you organize your thoughts or ideas, discipline yourself and sub-consciousness to desire and have a right mindset of whatever you may want to become. I hope by the end of reading this book you will be inspired, able to start something.



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Anonymous Say that, If you want to become successful you should surround yourself with successful people. This newly release (2017) documentary Becoming Warren Buffett tells the real life story of the man who has helped shape the way Americans view capitalism and philanthropy. The documentary features archival footage of Warren Buffett, from an ambitious, numbers-obsessed boy

from Nebraska into one of the richest, most respected men in the world. The documentary features interviews with family and friends from the life of the 86-year-old legendary billionaire investor and philanthropist, The good and bad business decisions he made shown in the documentary can help you on your own journey and reasons to be successful.


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