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Get To Know Our Archives

Brigidine College St Ives Archives provides a secure location for records and memorabilia that have value as authentic evidence of administrative activity or historical and cultural significance.

They are preserved by our Archivist for the benefit of the Brigidine community.

Our Archive

In 1989, four staff members, Allen Carters, Marie Duffy, Phillippa Goddard and Kerry-Ann O’Sullivan wrote to the Principal, Sr Anita Murray to suggest the establishment of an archive. The group became known as the ‘Archives Committee’ and with the assistance of $1000 from the P&F they began the collection of items which would become today’s archives.

Since 2003, there have been four professional archivists who have enthusiastically learnt about the history of the College buildings, staff and students, capturing events as they occurred and bringing the past back to life through displays, tours and publications. The collection now includes over 600 boxes of records and memorabilia including items such as photos, uniforms, trophies, books, paintings, diaries, programs, magazines and badges. The Archives aims to remind us of our rich and continuing culture of strength and gentleness, weaving stories and images of our past into the everyday life of the community.

Our Archivist

Jackie Rossington has been the College Archivist since Term 1, 2021. She is a qualified archivist with a double degree in librarianship and information management and has recently completed a diploma in family history. Jackie has previously worked in school archives as well as in both public and school libraries. She is also a co-convenor for the NSW School Archivists group of the Australian Society of Archivists.

Our archivist is always interested to hear your Brigidine stories and is continually looking for new ways to remind our community of the history and enduring culture at the College. If you have an item or story you would like to share, a question you would like to find an answer to, or an idea you’d love to see come to life, please contact Jackie at archives@brigidine.nsw.edu.au

Can you help?

We are looking to increase our collection of official photos. If you have a year group or sports team photo you are willing to share, please contact us to check if it is missing from our collection: archives@brigidine.nsw.edu.au