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Albert Hall is set for a major redevelopment

Built in 1891, Launceston’s iconic Albert Hall is set for a major redevelopment which captures the original vision for the building, integrating the Hall with City Park to engage visitors meaningfully.

The project received $10 million through the Federal Government’s Launceston City Deal with an additional $1 million recently secured through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program.


Federal Member for Bass Bridget Archer MP said the Albert Hall project will redefine one of Launceston’s most significant heritage buildings as a cultural destination for Northern Tasmanians.

“The redevelopment will enhance the much-loved qualities of one of Launceston’s most iconic buildings by integrating Albert Hall into the City Park and ensuring it is fit for purpose as a contemporary meeting and exhibition space,” Mrs Archer said.

City of Launceston Acting Mayor Danny Gibson said one of the major objectives of the project will be to provide greater connectivity and interaction between the Hall and another of Launceston’s most popular attractions, City Park.

“Planning for this project has drawn heavily on feedback from key user groups and the local community,” Cr Gibson said.

“The Council met with a range of stakeholders last year to assist with planning for the project and