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Get on board and say You’re Welcome

How accessible is your business to the disability community?

One in five of Launceston’s population of just over 106,000 live with a disability.


Thanks to funding through the Great City Regional Challenge and developed in conjunction with The Van Diemen Project, New Horizons Tasmania collaborated with six locals (pictured clockwise: Carolina, Brent and his son, Tommy, Jacquie, Nic, Minna, Dean) to share their reality of being out and about in Launceston.

New Horizons Tasmania CEO Belinda Kitto said the You’re Welcome campaign was developed in response to the results of a survey of local people with disability on their experiences when shopping, dining out and visiting service providers.

“We understand that no business sets out to be unwelcoming, but we also know that people with disability frequently experience frustration in daily life from issues that could be avoided with a little extra planning from others,” Mrs Kitto said.

“Thanks to the backing of our collaborators, our organisation has been empowered to get an important message out to Northern businesses. Through some very simple steps, hospitality venues, shops and service providers can become more accessible and welcoming, for more people. Surely a win-win!”

Beyond just physical accessibility issues, the campaign is driving local employers to think about how welcoming their business is when a person with disability enters their premises. In a series of videos on the New Horizons website and Facebook page, the challenges – and some suggested solutions – are discussed.

“I feel great when they look at me and talk to me, otherwise it doesn’t feel like I am there at all,” says Carolina.

“Even if a person that goes into your shop can’t communicate, you should probably go down to their level and acknowledge that they are there, because they can still feel that,” suggests Minna. If your business would like to get involved, New Horizons is providing inclusion checklists (with tips!) specifically for Retail, Hospitality and Service Providers to learn how their business can be more accessible, welcoming and inclusive of people with disability.

Businesses can also register to be part of the You’re Welcome movement, and receive a window sticker and poster, to let the community know their business actively welcomes people with disability.

Scan the QR code on the front of the Bass Bulletin or visit newhorizons.org.au