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Building drought-resilient leaders

A partnership between the Australian Government and the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation is set to create a new generation of drought-resilient leaders.

Federal Member for Bass Bridget Archer said the $5 million program will bring participants together to share knowledge and experience through the Future Drought Fund Drought Resilience Leaders mentoring program.


“This program is creating a new generation of young and emerging leaders and encourages learning and knowledge sharing to benefit agriculture and the communities and livelihoods that depend on it,” Mrs Archer said.

“The program will match around 300 mentees with 250 mentors around the country and I am thrilled that Elizabeth Skirving from northern

Tasmania has been selected as one of the mentors for round one of the program.”

Ms Skirving, CEO of Rural Business Tasmania said she is keen to participate in the program after benefitting from some wonderful mentors throughout her career.

“I really value the role both informal and formal mentors play in supporting the next generation of leaders,” Ms Skirving said.

“As a female in the agricultural and financial industries, I know how hard it can be to believe in yourself and step forward and grow.

“The program provides a great opportunity to give my mentee a sounding board and help them thrive.”