3 minute read

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure

Spring-flowering bulbs like tulips and daffodils may get all the attention, but remember there are summer-flowering bulbs you can plant right now. These beauties bloom mid- to late-summer, delivering dramatic pops of color at a time when our gardens tend to tire out. Plant now, and these divas will reward you by adding excitement to your garden later...and all you’ll have to do is enjoy the show!

Bulbs We Dig.

On Fire. Crocosmia has sword-shaped leaves with long, slender stems featuring flowers in fiery shades of red and orange. Hummingbirds and butterflies love the tubular flowers. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Easy to grow in both sun and part shade. Makes a great cut flower. Best of all, deer don’t care for the taste. Fiesta. Dahlias come in a variety of colors and sizes. Many have extraordinary flower forms. These south-of-the-border varieties put on an amazing amount of growth in just one season and there will be more than enough to cut bouquets for your home. Flowers from mid-summer to late-fall. They will need to be dug up in the fall and overwintered indoors in Maryland gardens, but we think you’ll agree it’s worth the effort. They attract hummingbirds too.



Fiesta. Dahlias come in a variety of colors and sizes. Many have extraordinary flower forms. These south-of-the-border varieties put on an amazing amount of growth in just one season and there will be more than enough to cut bouquets for your home. Flowers from mid-summer to late-fall. They will need to be dug up in the fall and overwintered indoors in Maryland gardens, but we think you’ll agree it’s worth the effort. They attract hummingbirds too.



So Glad. Gladiolus is a classic summer flower and make the most dramatic bouquets you can imagine. Pick up a tall vase because stems grow between three and four feet tall. Tuck them in the back of the border or stake them in your cutting garden. Each stem can have 20 or more flowers and they are incredibly long-lasting. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Cut them back in the autumn and overwinter bulbs indoors. The Fragrance. Lilies might be the most beautiful summer flowers in the world. They come in a wide array of colors and flower forms, and each and every one is dazzling. For the most fragrance, we suggest Oriental Lilies; one stem will perfume an entire room. Plant them and forget them. They’ll come back year after year. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Make sure to plant in clusters so they have mutual support and you have enough to bring big beautiful bouquets indoors.



The Fragrance. Lilies might be the most beautiful summer flowers in the world. They come in a wide array of colors and flower forms, and each and every one is dazzling. For the most fragrance, we suggest Oriental Lilies; one stem will perfume an entire room. Plant them and forget them. They’ll come back year after year. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Make sure to plant in clusters so they have mutual support and you have enough to bring big beautiful bouquets indoors.



Tips for Success

Plant in spring, once the threat of frost is over.

Plant in average, well-drained soil. Continuously wet soil will cause the bulbs to rot.

Most summer bulbs are sun-lovers, but many will grow in light shade. The general rule of thumb is to plant bulbs two to three times as deep as they are tall. However, always check the package instructions as some bulbs, like dahlias, will need planting much closer to the surface.

Water well after planting and after long dry spells.

Cutting off spent flowers allows bulbs to use their energy to produce new flowers instead of producing seed.