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lollygagger collection

The Lollygagger Collection is our flagship collection. These unique products make a statement about what made in the USA should stand for: quality, environmental responsibility, good design, and community. Years of experience designing and manufacturing outdoor furniture went into creating this modern patio statement. Through 1% for the Planet, we annually donate 1% of the gross sales from all pieces in the Lollygagger Collection to charitable, environmental groups.


NEW - Bundled Sets

See our growing collection of Bundled Sets at lolldesigns.com/bundles


Minnesota may be known for snow and cold, but it is also the land of 10,000 lakes. The summers are warm and gorgeous, especially near a popular lake area in north-central Minnesota, known as Nisswa. We named the Nisswa Collection in the spirit of the cabin life experienced there.

Nisswa Lounge Chair $1,595

Nisswa Sofa $2,995

Satellite End Table (Round, 18 inch) $295

Satellite End Table (Round, 26 inch) $395 let's eat!

Alfresco Dining Table (72 inch) $1,695

Alfresco Bench (58 inch) $895

Norm Dining Stool $295

Hall Dining Table (65 inch) $1,995

Hall Bench (48 inch) $895

Emin Dining Chair $595

Fresh Air Table (78 inch) $1,775

Fresh Air Bench (65 inch) $875

Chilewich Bamboo Woven Mat (72×106) $750