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School Going Back To School

Extra caution required for motorists as schools open throughout the region...



AAA is warning drivers to be cautious as schools begin to open across the state. Normally drivers would expect to see increased foot traffic in school zones, sidewalks and crosswalks, but this year will be completely different, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling at 25 mph is nearly two-thirds less likely to be killed compared to a pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling just 10 mph faster.

With a mix of in-school and remote learning, motorists could find increased pedestrian traffic in neighborhoods as many students transition to remote and virtual learning options.

“Back to school season looks a little different this year, but it’s still important for motorists to be vigilant and keep safety top of mind,“ said AAA’s Megan Cooper.

“Traditional school zone activity could move closer to home for many and we are urging drivers to remain alert and expect increased foot and bicycle traffic at all times throughout the day.”


• Slow down and be vigilant in school zones.

Speed limits in school zones are reduced for a reason. A pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling at 25 mph is nearly two-thirds less likely to be killed compared to a pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling just 10 mph faster.

Some school districts may be staggering bus schedules to keep students safely socially distanced. This means that school zones may be active for longer or active at unexpected times. If a school zone or bus stop is on your commute be extra cautious at all times.

• Expect children in neighborhoods throughout the day.

With more students learning from home, whether through homeschooling or virtual learning, children may be playing outside or taking a recess break throughout the day. Treat neighborhoods as school zones by reducing your speed and watching for children near the road.

• Come to a complete stop.

Research shows that more than onethird of drivers roll through stop signs in school zones or neighborhoods. Always come to a complete stop, checking carefully for children on sidewalks and in crosswalks before proceeding.

• Eliminate distractions.

Research shows that taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chances of crashing. And children can be quick, crossing the road unexpectedly or emerging suddenly between parked cars.

• Watch for bicycles.

Children on bicycles are often inexperienced, unsteady and unpredictable. Slow down and allow at least three feet of passing distance between your vehicle and a bicyclist. If your child rides a bicycle to school or around the neighborhood, require that they wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet on every ride.