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Here are just a few of the comments we received from our customers at Breakbulk Europe, the world’s largest event for the project cargo and


Leheta, CEO, EGYTRANS Freight Forwarder, Egypt

“Breakbulk for us is about partnerships. It’s about great opportunities for us to meet with and connect more closely with our business partners, our customers, and our suppliers. It’s also an opportunity for us to see what’s new in the industry and how we can be a part of that.”

Danny Levenswaard, director breakbulk, Port of Rotterdam Authority Ports & Terminals, Netherlands

“I’ve seen only smiling faces and people connecting with each other! It has been a really good show. We have 30 companies on our stand and everyone is really positive; they have met a lot of new faces and have reconnected with old ones. We are looking forward to another year of Breakbulk Europe!”

Julian Skyrme, commercial director, AD Ports Group Ports & Terminals, United Arab Emirates

“Over the last two days we’ve met with a cross-section from the chartering sector, insurance sector, but most importantly the EPCs in our field. We’re talking about some very exciting upcoming projects! It has been a very busy two days.”

Alan Appleyard, group operations manager, Casper Shipping Limited Maritime Transport, United Kingdom

“We’ve been here before but never exhibited. The stand is fantastic and the footfall has been fantastic! There isn’t a bad thing to say...we’ll be back next year!”

“We’ve been attending the exhibition for more than 15 years now, and it’s the way to meet our existing customers and get to know other people who we might not be doing business with currently, but maybe in the future. The exhibition this year for us has been quite successful – very crowded and very interesting contacts. So, we are ready to come next year!”

“We consistently recognize Breakbulk Europe as a significant event in our calendar, serving as a prime platform to showcase not only our group but also our company’s capabilities. It offers a valuable setting for one-on-one interactions with customers, enabling us to foster existing relationships and forge connections with new clients. Additionally, it grants us the advantage of meeting industry influencers and initiating fruitful relationships that pave the way for future collaborations.”

“Breakbulk Europe is truly unparalleled in its ability to bring together a vast number of industry professionals in a condensed timeframe. This event presents an incredibly powerful business opportunity, extending beyond mere networking to provide a platform for showcasing our company, products, and services. The reality is that people prefer to buy from people, and at Breakbulk Europe, we have the privilege of forging meaningful connections that enable us to conduct business in a more personal and impactful manner.”

“This event holds significant importance, as it caters to both the desires of our customers and provides us with a convenient and effective platform to engage with numerous individuals in a short span. Over the years, Breakbulk Europe has consistently facilitated the formation of strong and enduring partnerships for us, and this year is no exception. It stands as an exceptional exhibition that unites a vast array of exhibitors and visitors spanning the entire supply chain, making it an outstanding opportunity to connect and collaborate.”