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Breakbulk Events & Media reached out to speakers and moderators of Breakbulk Europe 2023 Main Stage sessions and asked them what thought-provoking questions they would like to be asked during the Q&A portion of their sessions, or when networking on the show floor.

Moderator: Managing the Offshore Wind Boom, Wednesday June 7, 14:20 - 15:05

How do you establish partnerships across the value chain to support more efficient collaboration with the benefits of shorter lead time, decreased costs and/or stronger innovation by utilizing the strengths of each company?

Moderator: ESG Across the Supply Chain, Thursday June 8, 13:45 - 14:30

What are the more challenging aspects of formulating an ESG strategy to get it right?

Is ESG more of a moral case and doing the right thing or a requirement?

What are three things corporations can do to stay ahead of the curve with ESG?

Lars Greiner, vice president Middle East and Africa, associate partner, HPC Hamburg Port Consulting

Moderator: The Role of European Ports in Supply Chain Efficiency: Challenges, Opportunities & Demand, Thursday June 8, 11:00 - 11:45

How do you see digitalization and automation moving into multipurpose terminals affecting breakbulk shipping?

Łukasz Chwalczuk, board member, ESTA Europe Association; managing director, Kancelaria Prawna Iuridica; president, OSPTN board

Speaker: Nuclear Power Projects in Europe: Infrastructure, Feasibility and Collaboration, Wednesday June 7, 12:20 - 13:05

How does collaboration among stakeholders impact the success of nuclear power projects, and what challenges need to be overcome in this process?

What infrastructure is required to support nuclear power projects, and how can this be validated for feasibility?

What role can local communities play in nuclear power projects, and how can their concerns be addressed?

What are some of the risks associated with nuclear power projects, and how can they be mitigated effectively?

Nick Lurkin, senior adviser climate & environment, Royal Association of Netherlands’ Shipowners (KVNR)

Moderator: Measuring and Pricing C02 Emissions, Thursday June 8, 12:45 - 13:30

What are the latest developments in carbon pricing for shipping?

What is the impact of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) for shipowners?

Will the EU ETS accelerate decarbonization for shipping?

Sven Hermann, managing director, Prolog Innovation

Moderator: Planning for the Future of Project Logistics, Wednesday June 7, 13:20 - 14:05

Which chatbot skills have Breakbulk Europe panelists already discovered to optimize their daily work?

What three wishes would industry representatives make to improve their work with logistics providers in the near future?

How is each panelist promoting sustainability within their own company?