1 minute read

Gifts of Hope


Did you know that more than 60% of UK adults don’t have a valid Will in place?

During Remember A Charity Week, we highlight what a difference your legacy could make. Not only could it look after your loved ones after you are gone, but it could help transform and sustain the future of brain tumour research.

Brain Tumour Research is campaigning for parity of funding with other cancers such as breast and leukaemia. And your legacy could play a pivotal role in helping us increase the national investment in brain tumour research, through our own funds, how we leverage those funds and how we raise awareness so that other organisations fund brain tumour research. Last year, Blood Cancer UK reported legacy income of £4.46m, representing 35% of the Charity’s overall income. Legacies accounted for just 3% of our overall income in the year to June 2022. A gift in your Will could make a real difference in years to come helping to ensure the sustainability of our research programmes in the future enabling continuous research, which will lead to breakthroughs that bring us closer to finding a cure for all types of brain tumours, bringing much-needed hope to patients and their loved ones who are affected by this devastating disease.

Find out how you could have a Will written or updated for free and create a legacy that could make a difference – visit: www.braintumourresearch.org/legacy or email: legacy@braintumourresearch.org


to continue to fund long-term, life-saving research