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Spring moves

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moves Spring


Those long, cold, dark winter nights are in the rear-view mirror, and the next stop is warmer days. But, before you book that summer holiday and jet off in search of the sun, could you be about to move house? Perhaps, unsurprisingly, the most popular time to move home is in the warmer months that fall within spring/summer. But why is this, and should you opt for a removals company or go it alone?


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Why move home in spring or summer? Some people love winter months or the colours on trees associated with autumn, but you’d be hard pushed to fi nd someone who wants to move house in the dark, snow, cold or rain.

When it comes to the warmer months associated with spring and summertime, days are longer, and the weather is warmer. In short, summer conditions are better suited to moving house. You have less risk of a monsoon ripping through boxes and turning your breakables into breakages (although this is still the UK, so we can’t guarantee a rain-free summer!).

Sure, people may still load up cars, dial Ubers and carry soggy boxes through terrible conditions, but ultimately that’s your property you’re putting at risk.

The better alternative is to turn to experts and hire a removals company to take care of it all, such as AnyVan, for example! Why use a removal company? Moving house can be physically and mentally exhausting. The moment you fi nally get your keys in your hand is something that sticks with you forever.

But, the mountain is only halfclimbed at this point. Now, you’re faced with the task of moving all your worldly belongings from point A to B.



Before you download whichever van hire app is trending in the app store and spend a day or three going it alone, you may want to consider a removals company, which typically works out as the cheaper option.

Leaving it to the experts means that with just a few taps on your smartphone, dedicated movers can come to your house, pack your stuff for you and have you moved in and set up in your new place.

Removal companies consist of people who do this day in and day out, meaning there’s nothing they haven’t moved or a situation they haven’t encountered. At our very core, AnyVan has set out to remove the stress, high costs and time consumed by a house move. Equally, we’re the greenest way to move, as we off set all our emissions.

When it’s put to you like that, it almost seems like a no brainer, right?

Considerations Sure, moving in these warmer months sounds fantastic, you may be thinking. “Well, why doesn’t everyone do this?” you may even ask yourself.

Of course, there are a few things to consider before planning your relocation.

Namely, for those with little ones, moving is stressful enough without worrying about what the kids are doing. So, keeping them occupied and safely out the way can become a challenge.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this time of the year is the busiest for removal companies. So, if you’re looking to make the most of the weather and move house, plan your move as early as possible, book ahead, put the kettle on and let us do all the heavy lifting.

After all, you’ve earned it.

move house, plan your move as early as possible, book ahead, put the kettle on and let us do all the heavy lifting. Sponsored content

Top 7 Spring Decluttering Tips

Spring is in the air, and for some, this traditionally means an opportunity to carry out an annual refresh of your home. But what if you’re also about to move house? If you’re adding a move into the mix, you should view this time as the perfect opportunity to declutter.

The hardest part of any journey can often be taking the fi rst step, so with that in mind, we’ve put together seven tips to help with your declutter:

Get rid of broken appliances Where possible, we always advise repairing rather than replacing. But, sometimes that isn’t possible – dispose of appliances correctly and safely – to keep costs of your move down.

Say goodbye to worn-out items We’re all guilty of holding on to things a little too long, but if you’ve got shoes, clothes or even children’s toys that are past their best – now is the time to fi nally bid them farewell.

Part with items past the expiration date It’s great to stock up on medicines, cosmetic products, or food items – but are you really going to use those paracetamol two years past their use-by date? Cosmetics and condiments also expire. Don’t lug them into your new home!

Time to refresh your book collection Knowledge is power and all, but if you’ve got a stack of books collecting dust, why not donate them to a local charity?

Vacuum pack those winter clothes away Warmer days are coming, so you can fi nally put those bigger, warmer clothes away in a spacesaving way. Plus, that’s one less thing to unpack at your new home.

Check the contents of your freezer Freezers can become something of the land that time forgot for food. You’ll have to empty it before moving anyway, so don’t waste this opportunity. Get rid of the stu that’s sat there for a little longer than you may care to admit!

Time for a wardrobe refresh? We’re almost all partial to those spring/summer sales and lines, but do you truly have the space for more clothes? Why not rejig and then rehome some pieces from your wardrobe to charity? You may not have worn something for years, yet it would be a staple for someone else. And it’s better for the environment!

As ever, more can be done when it comes to decluttering – and moving! However, you don’t have to go through this alone. Here at AnyVan, we’re here to help you move from your current address to your upcoming dream home. Why not let us help you? Why not let us help you?


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