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Reflecting on 2020, there is no denying that the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic presented a number of challenges and brought about immense economic, political, and social uncertainty for many. Each of us, from parents and students to business owners, teachers, municipal leaders, and everyone in between have all had to make significant changes to everyday life and pivot to make it through this time of crisis.
For many of our community leaders, this past year was an incredible learning opportunity and season of growth, illuminating what’s truly important. It has allowed us to see just how critical broadband infrastructure is in everything that we do; how even in a time of crisis, we can and must pull together to do what’s necessary to help our neighbors and small businesses; and how we still have a long way to go when it comes to making Westmoreland County a more welcoming and inclusive place.
Although this past year was anything but normal, 2020 also provided us with the opportunity to show our ingenuity, resourcefulness, and sincere commitment to community. Through these difficult times, we have found ways to keep our doors open, lights on, and take steps forward as a county. Amid the challenges, together, we have continued to make progress on Reimagining Our Westmoreland’s goal of attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse and stable workforce that will sustain a healthy economy.
This annual report is intended to provide a brief summary not only of our collective work, but also reflective of and upholding the plan’s principles for action including accountability, partnership, action, creativity, communication, and performance monitoring. Let us celebrate our accomplishments and remember this past year as a chance to come together and show up in unique ways, dig deep, and work hard.
Jason Rigone, Director Westmoreland County Department of Planning and Development
Strategy champions
Throughout this report, we highlight the Strategy Champions or organizations most relevant for strategy implementation. These organizations have identified themselves as Reimagining Our Westmoreland strategic partners and have taken the lead on, or are involved with, actions within a given strategy.
Thank you to our Strategy Champions, for undertaking this important work and for committing your time, energy, and resources to help make the vision of Reimagining Our Westmoreland a reality.
Thank you, frontline workers
A special thank you to frontline workers for sacrificing so much to ensure the health and safety of our community and continued operation of our economy. From nurses and doctors, to public works crews, police and fire services, grocery store employees, bus drivers, restaurant workers, and many, many more, you are the heroes seeing us through this crisis. Thank you for showing up every day to do your job to keep us safe.